What reason cause the hate of clean vehicle ? Crazy world and stupid government !
Even police don't like it,they may send these EV to western poor area in China,instead of crush them !
What reason cause the hate of clean vehicle ? Crazy world and stupid government !
Even police don't like it,they may send these EV to western poor area in China,instead of crush them !
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One of the mayor even compare it with "Opium destroy" in 1848

Every city are learning from Beijing to be crowded and thirty capital

WHY was this done???? Were they illegally tuned to go faster than allowed?
Who did they belong to? Private people, or companies? And are they electric at all, or were those now illegal gasoline scooters? Please enlighten us a little on the background of this demolition derby of monstrous proportions!
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
The last photo seems to be showing mainly gas scooters - look at the tailpipes. the second photo hints that they may be gas by the sheer age (i.e. front drum brakes). But I don't doubt that there are electrics in there, and I'd like to know why too!
All these are private scooter and most of them are illegal on road because Chinese don't have clear law on scooter exceed 20km/h speed.
But it is illegal action too because this is private property and this kind of solution will be pollution again !
I presume that many of them are old 2-cycle gas scooters - so destroying them is preventing a lot of pollution.
Regarding their seizure, most countries have provisions for seizure of property if it is used in illegal activity. In the US, the government (DEA) has seized and taken ownership of people's houses and land based on only an arrest (not conviction) of growing or selling marijuana.
But of course, property is never seized for merely breaking a motor-vehicle law - although they can impound the vehicle and the towing and storage fees can be very high.
90% of these vechile are Electric power,China have 120 million E-scooter or E-bike on the road,more than gas motorcycles
OriginalI think http://ilonggang.sznews.com/lgnews/content/2008-07/29/content_3145417.htm
It does not say that there are 90% electric. I am betting that most are gas, from the pics it looks like it, but hard to tell. Actually most look very very old.
Still hard to understand why they are banning scooters in the City, but I do understand due to traffic.
If it is mainly to curb robberies, then this is absoutely pathetic! In German there is saying for this kind of thing: to throw out the child with the bathwater...
The only solution to keep traffic congestion at bay while still alowing individual transportation is two-wheelers. Bicycles in Chinese Mega-cities sprawling over huge areas are not really viable anymore. It is more a confession by the police that they are unable to cope with the villains... :-(
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
More likely it's to curb particulate emissions from dirty two-stroke engines. China has horrible smog problems in the cities. If they are trashing four stroke scooters, that's just stupid.
check out china's new trend where they are allowing people to rent electric vehicles from a giant vending machine. i think its a great idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZi0DZITlVM
If China really wanted to lead the world in urban infrastructure innovation, they would integrate smart new-urbanism and innovative public transportation that would preclude the need for cars - electric or otherwise, in the city at all. There should be no need for a car in a densely populated city - indeed, cars are impractical in such places. One should be able to walk, bike or use transit to get everywhere they want. I myself lived that way in Pittsburgh, and some family members live car-free in Toronto. Shame to see China copying the USA.
Although two-strokes are probably the worst culprits, it's not just two-strokes that cause a problem with harmful emissions and polutants, you can clearly see how much difference it made when China put a ban on 2.5 Million Cars across all of Beijing between August 20th and September 3rd last year to obtain Blue sky:
They apparently wanted to "open up the skies and beam bright blue for the 70th anniversary of Japan’s World War 2 Defeat", which took place last September.
I noticed that the original article showing the demolition of the scooters was dated 2008 (the year the Olympics were held in Beijing) perhaps they were simply making more room for all the olympic competitors and visitors?
WHY was this done???? Were they illegally tuned to go faster than allowed?