EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

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gowens's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Well I got on the waiting list a while ago and just sent them
a check for a deposit. I can not say it was not without hesitation.

I have called and talked to Fernando several times and he SEEMS
honest. It is buying a pig in a poke (and I told him that).
When is the last time you bought a car without test driving it ?

But, I am very interested in an electric scooter that can go faster
than 30MPH. So I guess time will tell. I lan on charging it via solar
cells so it wil be totally energy independent.

Regarding the shipping costs...
When I heard about the $400-600 shipping costs I was surprised also.
I asked Fernando if they were doing anything about that and he stated that
he had just sent a 168 to MA and it cost $457 in shipping. He was also
working on finding a cheaper shipping method.

So I did some checking on my own. I looked up a couple of shippers with 300 lb
shipment from zip A to B (Miami and mine) and sure enough the cheapest
was $657 !!!

I sure hope they open a depot on the west coast.

Unfortunately, the entire cost plus shipping will be required BEFORE
they even send it. So it really is a gamble. This could be a well
orchestrated scam. Or not. So we need posts from the first ones to get it.

If anyone actually get's one please let us all know.
I am keeping detailed records just in case.

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

gowens - can I ask why you didn't buy an XM-2000? It has a top speed of 40+mph, is available now and the shipping charge is usually around $100 delivered to your door.

There are many who are convinced that the Z20 will have superior quality than the XM - however, there are several of us who are entirely satisfied with our XMs and have the real world experience to back it up.

I'm not trying to persuade you to change - I just want to understand your thought process in this buying decision.

John H.
Blue XM-2000
Ann Arbor, MI

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

gowens's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

I think it was the 30 day warranty turned me off about the XM-2000.
Then as I recall the price went up from $1499 to $1899.
But it is book marked as a backup.

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Thanks for the info - yes 30 days is kind of the anti-warranty! (what they have so little faith in the product they only warranty for 30 days!?).

What's the warranty on the Z-20?

John H.
Blue XM-2000
Ann Arbor, MI

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b


ONE YEAR unlimited mileage warranty for all non expendable parts This warranty includes the hub motor and the controller. If the object of the warranty is not locally available, the buyer is required to pay for the cost of shipping and delivery. The Warranty is offered by the manufacturer.

That being said, that is on the main FAQ and not under the Z-20 or R-20 section? Not sure if they're different from the other products on there given that they're just being made now.

Gman's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

` ;)
St. Louis, you all just had some excitement down there at that Church.
I also do a lot of Genealogical research, and ran across a lady praying for some help locating her biological father who was born in Neosho. He was a Doctor there, and worked at Fort Crowder and latter we located him at a office building in Neosho that once was a Coffee Plant or something and at a address in Joplin.
Long story short, she never knew her biological father, only found out the person she always thought was her biological father wasn't when her Mother told her on her death bed. So she spent a lot of time trying to locate him, all we had was a hard to read signature of a doctor on her birth certificate that attended her birth, and was suppose to be her biological father. We finally did ID him, and get a copy of his admission application and a graduation class picture from the Osteopathy College in Kirksville founded by DR. Andrew Taylor Still and where Osteopathic Medicine started.
She died shortly after that in her sleep, but she was able to finally see a picture of him before she died. I latter located some living relatives of her biological father Dr. Wilson H. White, that filled a lot of gaps, and know where he is buried. So I know the area very well, and still have several research contacts there.
I created this site in her memory, http://www.carolyn59.bravehost.com/

Be sure to add yourself to our Global EV Map, seems we may have several Z-20's in the Show Me State. Are there others in your area with EV's?

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kringle777's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Okay, so what's the latest timeline for the first Z-20 to be delivered (or picked up)? I know a several of you are ordering them, but has anybody gotten a firm delivery date so far?

Red XM-2000
Moss Green "Charger" ebike
Sacramento, CA

Red XM-2000
Moss Green "Charger" ebike
Sacramento, CA

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

I just called Fernando. Production is running a little behind schedule. He expects the first batch to be sent from Asia the second week in September (9/10, to be precise). Since I've been on the waiting list since last year and I sent in a $1,000 deposit, he said my bike should be in the first shipment they send back. I'm in Dallas, Texas. He expected I would get my z-20 the end of September. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything from them.

I asked about shipping. He still expects it to cost $400 to $600. They are using steel reinforced packaging. But he's still looking for a more economic option. I asked if they have any documentation on the testing they've done. They don't. One of their test bikes has gotten over 4,000 miles on it. Documentation - an owner's manual - will be available soon.

Finally, I asked if the controller is 6 phase. He replied that's he's a marketing guy, not technical. But if I sent my questions to the support e-mail on their website, I'll get an answer.

Happy trails.

littlebitdecker's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

fcherny ,
Thanks for the update, the steel reinforced packaging will go a long way toward protecting them, and cost more to ship. we'll be picking all of our order up at the warehouse, but we need to watch our weight.
If you get yours by the end of September, you know we'll all be waiting to hear about it, and please take some pictures of the actual Z-20 for all those that continue to have doubts.

davew's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

I too look forward to your review of the new bike. The good news is living in Dallas you should be able to ride comfortably through the winter.

He expected I would get my z-20 the end of September.

If it were on a boat right now it might get to you by the end of September. My guess will be more like the end of October if they don't hit any more production snags. (A big if considering Fernando's previous estimates.) The bike has to get on a boat, cross an ocean, be unloaded, get through customs, then to you. This all takes more time than one would reasonably estimate. I was on pins and needles when I found out the Emaxs were on the way only to have to cool my jets for the five weeks it took for one to get to me. And then the darn thing arrived without a Certificate of Origin which means I couldn't start titling it for yet another month. Not that I let this stop me from riding it...

Full time ebiker
BionX and Wilderness Energy

"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"

Mountain chen
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Re: Larger wheel size?

Yes,the tyre almost touch the front mudguard,oberviously look like a 12" wheel,like Kasea scooter.

With 12" wheel,I believe the torque would be very weakness too...

Both Z-20 or R-20 come from china,but not from me,their photos look like brushed motor.

EVT don't even have a testing sample in USA,but they order 400pcs from a new factory in Hunan,china,who have no experience on electric vehicle.

Just take care...

Mountain chen
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Yes,Yixiang is a new factory who has no experience in field of EV,like Erato 2 years before.

Just take care of the quality.

Gman's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

`Mountain chen,
Welcome to the V is for Voltage Community, glad to see you finally joned us.
As you may already know we have a Global EV map of people, vendors, companies and organizations which you can add you company to and also a Sell EV Vendors in our Community Marketplace. Hope you can finally clarify some things for us.

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Mountain chen
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Thank you ,Gman

My friend recommend me to come and have a look here.

It is really amazing place...

gowens's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

I emailed Fernando the other day on the status of my R-20 order.
He replied that it will be shipped mid to late October.


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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

I called Fernando just now. They are "very close" to on schedule. They had a problem with the quality of the control panels they got, so they've had to "resource" them. He expects the first shipment of bikes to be in the states by October.

He has good news about shipping (and this will be updated on their web site in the next week or so). Shipping should be $300 to $400 - won't run as high as $600 as they first said. I live in Dallas. He thought shipping (including insurance and lift gate) will be around $300.

The discussion (although always interesting) has gotten even more fascinating with Mountains' contributions. For his sake (and everyone else's for that matter), Fernando told me the controller/motor is 3 phase. He didn't want to go with the 6 phase because it hasn't been tested enough to be proven reliable. In my experience with these guys, this is the approach they've taken with everything they've done with their product. I asked some time about about battery technology, but they were extremely hesitent to go beyond anything besides SLA because the technology hadn't been proven yet.

That's all I've got for now. Andy (his partner) has been in China the last 5 months, overseeing production.

It will be interesting if we see any more slips in the schedule.


jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Good luck!

I think the forum should sponsor a prize for the first consumer to post a review of the Z20 - it could be sponsored by a pool based on what date you think the first customer (not reseller) has a product in their hands...

I'll take November 15th. :-)

John H.
Blue XM-2000
Ann Arbor, MI

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

Gman's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Welcome to the V is for Voltage Community, thanks for keeping us updated.
I had lunch the other day at a Flying J with a friend, I was asking about a estimate to haul some back to the mid west.
She said it's hard getting loads out of Miami, and some drivers lay over almost a week waiting for a load out. Next time you talk to Fernando can you get some container measurements and shipping weights for me?

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Hey Fred,

I also live in the Dallas area, Las Colinas to be specific, and eagerly awaiting my R-20; perhaps Fernando could give us an even better deal on shipping if both our motorcycles were shipped together.


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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Greetings DWrath,

Welcome to the V is for Voltage Community!

Make yourself at home and don't forget to check out the V is for Voltage Community Library for some interesting reading.

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Ditto on the welcome, we're in the process of setting up both a Z-20 Club and a R-20 Club for you all to post updates for us.

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Hi guys,
Today, I made a phone call to EVT FAE from TW HQ to request a replacement of a 9-pin connector for my EVT-4000e. It's a pleasent conversation for 30 minutes. The gentalman even offer a free hub motor checking if I drop mine to his lab in next week.
I found something very interesting from this engineer. He said, EVT did not produce either Z20a or Z20b simply because they only MP 1.5KW motor now. They do have a plan to produce bigger motor in the future. The reason to keep it in 1.5KW is not because of the technology difficulty but battery consideration. They concluded that 1.5KW motor fits best to the current 50A battery set, and it makes a similar riding experience of a 50 cc motorbike, which is their e-motorbike designed to. They will move to FeLiPO4 in next few years, says 2 years, before a bigger motor producing. The results form filed tests show that a 36A Li-iron battery system prefrom as good as a 50A lead-acid verion. So in the future they will either make a bigger storage room or equip with a more powerful motor to make it faster or running farer. So far the price of battery is a problem. But they are quite ready on technolgy phase.
In the mean time, the motor keeps improvement. The lastest version equips 2 gear shifter inside the motor installed from 2008 TW models, not sure about the other contries. So now it generate higher tourq at 1st gear limited to 25KM. Rider can swith the shift anytime during operation status. This is very useful for one like me climb a lot. However, it is a bad news that not possible to upgrade from older version, because the PWM change too. It is pretty much like change everything, if doing so.
One very interesting stuff, EVT used to produce 2 prototypes of 2WD EVT-4000 2 years ago,never go production, but faster, and I heard very differently to ride. I will shot some photos when drop my motor to the lab. Hopfully can get a test ride too.

Jay from Taipei

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

It was a mistake. the new motor intalled on from 2007 TW model, not 2008.

Jay, Taipei

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Hi guys,
This is a very interesting development of the subjects.
I want to clearify that what I heard about why EVT wants to saty wiht the 1.5KW motor.
The engineer told me that if installed a 2KW motor, they need put one more battery to upgrade the system to 60V instead of enlarge the current because that a lead-acid battery can't stand very high C, or it would reduce the duty cycle a lot. This will cause potential problems including safty and liability. BTW, there is no room for an extra battery because they want to leave a small under seat cabinet for storage anyhow. Another reason is that it will become too heavy, and EVT-4000e was heavy enough already.
Through a filed test, they found that using a 36A Li-iron battery system runs as far as with a 60A lead-acid system. This generates many possibilities of design change including mechanical structure. Batteries might move from under seat to under foot, so that can make a very big storage room, maybe enough to put 2 helmets.
About efficiency, my experience is that when climbing, the motor generates heat instead of speed, because of lacking torque. Same happens to when you speed up from stop. Usually a scooter equips a CVT system to make an engine more efficient. But EVT hub motor doesn't run as efficient as it claimed if consider traffic. In my home town, it is impossible to keep runing at 30 MPH even for 5 minutes. I think a 2-gear transmission deisgn will make it more efficient. Unfortunatley, I have no chance to try. Besure if you guys bougt a new EVT, get a new motor whit a 2-gear switch.
To make an ultimate efficient system. I think EVT should implement an energy recycle sytem to minimize lost during breaking.

Jay, Taipei

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, and for the updates and clarifications.
FWIW, the EVT 4000e Club is aldeadry set up.
The EVT 4000e Avatar pictured will also be available soon to be freely downloaded from our expanding EV DownLoad Library. Our free personalized official V Avatars are provide as a courtesy to any V is for Voltage Community Member, and are created by V Team Member Max so order yours today.

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jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Hi cjaywang,

The XM2000 has 60V of batteries and a 2 speed shifter. However, some of the folks buying the Z-20 have been put off the XM because of the shifter. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out...

John H.
Blue XM-2000
Ann Arbor, MI

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

littlebitdecker's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

From my experience the shifter problem is only with the older models only currently being by X-Treme. There was no problem as I could tell from riding it, with the e-Runner. You have a e-Runner correct, have you had any shifting problems?

Remember Mountain Chen said that was the weak mechanism in last years models, the new models have a automatic shift mechanism.

reikiman's picture
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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

Would y'all please consider to stop posting on this thread.. it's getting a bit long in the tooth. Thank you.

- David Herron, http://davidherron.com/

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Re: EVT America Z-20a and Z-20b

looks like this has been picked up in another thread

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