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Re: The Zapino Has Arrived?
2007-09-13 22:54 -0500
I had heard about two weeks ago from a guy in Australia that ERATO is over, regardless of what their web page may say about any new products, maybe Chen can confirm, but I heard they split with a partner company that had the talent and money and connections and are done as in dont send them any money.
Re: The Zapino Has Arrived?
2007-09-14 09:36 -0500
Mountain chen
Yes,Erato is over.
Now our new Logo is Erider.
Mountain chen
Do you have a link to your new Erider site?
it is under construction
Deafscooter is Here...
There have at indonesia
Craig went there and grow on market on new 2008 electric power Motorbike like this,
Here is Picture of Motorbike Gasser 80cc~135cc engine & some have 48 volts Electric
Craig Uyeda
that's petrol scooter,not electrical power !
Deafscooter is Here...
Here is Country still electric scooter like Asian's ETV SE & it many years to use in everyday
Here is Storm day and Flood water they still running Electric Scooter in Submersible the Water !!!!
Deafscooter's Asian EVT 168 Special Edition with Country License Plate on front-Red Scooter..
Note: USA - front wheel is Metal on Green === Asian - Front wheel is Alloy Alum on Red..
Tawain, Hong Kong, Indonesia, China market on new 2008 electric power Motorbike like this,
Craig Uyeda
I see,these 3 scooter come from TJ factory and Angell factory,all brushed motor,low efficiency.
What Erider is brushless and high efficiency and Big torque....
Being QC of ZAP during last several years,I know different kind of motor and technology in China factories,any question,take free to share with me!
ZAP Hires Quality Control Manager in China
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