Battery not charging

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Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Friday, July 17, 2015 - 17:28
Points: 29
Battery not charging

I have an old test pilot C130 that has given me nothing but trouble since I bought it. Latest is 2 short, 5 long error code that has disabled the bike. I have replaced every temp sensor to no avail.

So, I picked up a broken down superscooter with the digital display (that was never really finished) and swapped rear wheel motors.

Unfortunately, I left the breaker and winter switch AND the ignition key on for several months (maybe a year) while I attended to more pressing matters.

Neither bike will charge now, though the C130 was turned off so the voltage is 98.1. The superscooter pack is at 13.3V.

Any clue how to bring either pack back up? The charger is giving the alternating red/green light indicating "disconnected battery"

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Friday, July 17, 2015 - 17:28
Points: 29
Re: Battery not charging

P.S. Was anyone ever able to get a hold of a wiring diagram for any version of these bikes?

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Last seen: 2 months 11 hours ago
Joined: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 05:44
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Re: Battery not charging

I wonder if the problem with the C130 scooter is the BCU. I have assumed that the BCU is an ordinary Arduino with an off-the shelf shield. I've never opened the BCU to see what's inside have you?

Back when I raised a fuss I did get a note back from Stephen Price promising to provide wiring informaiton (all the pin assignments at the BCU sure would be useful) on an as-needed basis, but never followed through. It might be too late now...

as far as the super scooter, you will need to apply voltage to the battery pack and get the pack voltage back up high enough for the charger to start - probably 40-50 volts or so. The pack on the super scooter is probably ruined - so you will have to swap all the cells from the other scooter too - a lot of work. Make sure you disconnect the BMS before you do any work on battery connections...

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Friday, July 17, 2015 - 17:28
Points: 29
Re: Battery not charging

I haven't opened the BCU and wouldn't know what to do with it if I did. Very mechanical. Not very electronical.

Wiring information would have been nice if I wanted to become a little more electronical. Probably wouldn't have helped much, in my case.

It's so disappointing that CMC has abandoned these bikes. I love the IDEA of electric scooters and when mine ran, I was happy enough to have 1/10th the power of my Honda ST1300 - even if the ride sucked and there was no ABS. But it would probably take two hands to count the number of times this scooter has left me stranded. And I just don't think I am up to the challenge of getting either of these bikes running.

Still need a hub motor? I have two - though I suspect the newer one has issues. Time to part ways.

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Last seen: 2 months 11 hours ago
Joined: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 05:44
Points: 1416
Re: Battery not charging

I would be interested in the BCU and the BMS units...

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