I have renewed the domain for 2 additional years, the new expiration date is 11/18/2009.
Currently I do not plan to renew the domain which expires 12/21/2007.
Best Regards,
George J. Jones, Jr.
Domain Registrant & Co-Owner
georgejjonesjr [at]
Thank You (George) for your continued support of the big "V"!
Thanks also go out for use of the server (David), all of the webmaster and moderator work done and for all the great member participation.
Electric - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike
Dave B
<a href=" - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>
Why is the Poll: Which form of Domain Ownership do you prefer? link is not working?
What happen to it?
Community Development Specialist
The poll was posted without the agreement of the management, and has been unpublished until the management can come to agreement.
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"
Who is management? By what criteria were the selected?
Community Development Specialist
As for how we were selected? I can say the criteria for selecting me is my long long long experience with running web sites and familiarity with the software that runs this site.
- David Herron,
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
I think we all know why you would have been selected, and you do a wonderful job, thank you from the whole community.
You never did answer my Fri, 12/15/2006 question about the Site Operating Budget.
So is this information still correct?
George J. Jones, Jr.
United States
Registered through:, Inc. (
Domain Name:
Created on: 18-Nov-06
Expires on: 18-Nov-09
Last Updated on: 15-Sept-07
Administrative Contact:
Stevenson, Chas chas_stevenson [at]
V is for Voltage
United States
Technical Contact:
Stevenson, Chas chas_stevenson [at]
V is for Voltage
United States
There is no information at about my question. Who is management? Who selected management, was there ever a vote or anything by the community members?
Community Development Specialist
If you go to the Policies page you see a 'V Team' link to ...
Budget? I've been discussing the budget with the management team. The costs break down to: server rental ( is shared with other sites I run); domain name payments; the time all of us put into the site
The first two are very moderate on the order of $30 per month or so. As for the time we spend running this site it is quite significant and if it were charged at my hourly rate there's no way we could pay me to do what I do.
- David Herron,
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
Thank you,
We assume it's ok if we as a community contact our management for a explanation of why and when the management can come to a agreement on Poll: Which form of Domain Ownership do you prefer?
Domain Registrant & Co-Owner
George J Jones Jr
The V Team: Our Very Dedicated Community Volunteers
V is for Voltage Community
Chas Stevenson (alt.)
David Wiley (alt.)
David Herron
EV Tech Advisor
Paul Donahue
Rolf Gustafsson
Community Development Specialist
We assume it's ok if we as a community contact all 15 of our management for a explanation of why and when the management can come to a agreement on I can't speak for the whole group, but I'd hazard a guess that a) the fact that you posted your question all over creation, that we have seen your question, and b) it would needlessly irritate them especially when the question has already been heard.
- David Herron,
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
Thank you again, we'll just wait for all there replies to be posted here, we don't want to irritate them especially when the question has already been heard.
We were requesting projected estimates for 2007, are you saying that would have been $30 a month? I thought the domain name payments were made by someone else so I'm a little confused about that one.
Who pays the $30 a month you receive?
Personally I believe you should receive much more than $30 a month, and that was our purpose of asking about a projected estimate back on 12/15/2006.
Community Development Specialist
What you're asking is straying to administrative things which are under discussion in the management team, and until we have some issues settled it's inapropriate to discuss everything publicly. I said "approx $30 per month" for out-of-pocket expenses and it includes the domain payments. However we aren't being reimbursed even for that much.
- David Herron,
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
Thank you, I understand and hope management keeps the community informed on the progress of this discussion. I still don't understand what domain payments you are making, unless your referring to your other sites.
David's websites
Why aren't you being reimbursed by management? Is this something the community was aware of? I'm sure we as a community can make up the difference if we were aware there was a shortfall and management wasn't so secretive.
I also don't understand this, if the cost is about $30 a month and he is not being reimbursed anything how can the current decision is we don't need one yet. Why wasn't the community offered a chance for input and maybe through a poll on the current decision is we don't need one yet.

It's these type of secretive behind closed door decisions that will effect anyone ever believing management, and it's very unfair to our webmaster not to be reimbursed.
I'm sure that was why the reference to KT Roughneck of the old site was made.
It seems the methods being taken by the management here is much to secretive for a supposedly democratic organization, and when the Domain Registrant & Co-Owner does a poll simply asking Which form of Domain Ownership do you prefer? Owned by non elected V is for Voltage Community Members, or Owned by democratically elected V is for Voltage Community representatives.through a legal entity and it was unpublished seems very suspect. Maybe because 80% had voted for Owned by democratically elected V is for Voltage Community representatives.through a legal entity?
Thank you again for the courtesy of replying to us, it's appreciated.
Community Development Specialist
I think slow would be a better word than secretive. Any one of the moderators could answer these questions and what you would get are a collection of opinions with varying degrees of agreement. What takes more time is for us to come together on a single position to put out to the members. Bear in mind we are all volunteers, and we all have day jobs.
Moderator Team Captain
Moderators are dedicated volunteer V Team members who help keep your V Forums running smoothly and provide Forum Support.
Elrod (aka davew)
V Moderator Team Captain
Moderators are members of your dedicated community volunteer <a href="">V Team</a> who help keep your V is for Voltage Community Forums running smooth
What I meant by non-reimbursed is not to refer to my own domains... I have a business going on which is paying for my domains and more. Instead, George Jones is paying for the and has not himself been reimbursed for that, likewise I'm paying for and am not being reimbursed for that. The cost to own a domain is extremely minor... it's $20 / year / domain. The server rental costs me $90 / month but that cost is shared by 5 sites, 3 of which are generating significant traffic, so when I think about the out-of-pocket cost of hosting it's to split the server rental cost by 3-4 which produces a range of cost from $20-$30 / month.
Why are we not being reimbursed? Actually, I do receive partial reimbursement ... but in general we've been operating this unpaid organization on a volunteer basis. This issue is being actively discussed among management.
- David Herron,
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
I would like to point out 3 things.
1. As far a the so called 80% goes on the poll, 5 votes out of a community of hundreds means almost nothing. This poll was removed because it violated the Governance Guidelines and no other reason.
2. This subject is in the process of discussion by the management and therefore no answers will be given at this time since we have not come to any decisions. Buzz, can you show us some courtesy and be a little patient while we get ourselves together so we can make a good decision for the community. As Elrod says we do have day jobs. Making contemptuous remarks about management does not endear anything worthwhile you might you have to say.
3. BTW I have also put dollars into the forum. I have been paying out of my pocket for the V is for Voltage DownLoad Library. This site was created to help David H. with the large volume of disk space needed to hold the down loadable files. I have not ask to be reimbursed.
Chas S.
There were only 10 members that approved the Vote on the Forums Guidelines Draft and it ran much longer if I remember correctly.
We are aware you have also invested some of your own money, that has been included in the proposed 2008 budget being submitted when and if he returns.
Community Development Specialist
Thanks for the update, just curious why you renewed it 2 months early, and for a additional 2 years rather than 1 year which was your original plan?
You have all our prayers on your upcoming test, if there is anything we can do, please let us know.
BTW, I sent kyla [at]">Kyla my preference today.
God bless,
I'm sure he wanted to get it out of the way ahead of time just in case. V is for Voltage will probably be the last thing on his mind.
:) So we're good to go for another 2 years and that ain't bad.
We missed you Sunday, I got a chance to see a actual Super Bowl ring in person, they are awesome.
Community Development Specialist
I just startled the bejezus out of the cat I was laughing so hard.
As to who I am you have my name, my role in the forum, and my email address. That's about as good as identity gets on the web. If you ever come to Boulder I'll buy you a beer, and you can get the whole picture.
As to the Vectrix, I stupidly didn't carry over my motorcycle endorsement when I moved to Colorado so last summer I got my learner's permit. Next summer I'll get my license. As of today I have roughly $9k in the bank of the estimated $12k it will take to get my hands on one of these beauties. The only thing I want to have against the Vectrix is my sweet behind.
As to the unpublishing, this is the major reason for this reply (other than sharing my mirth with the forum). Your post included the words:
As far as forum no-nos go, this is right up there with "copyright". The more respect we show to manufacturer's intellectual property the more inclined they will be to share information with us. It stands to reason, yes?
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"