President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the illegal war in the middle east

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reikiman's picture
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President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the illegal war in the middle east

So, I made a possibly inflammatory statement here: .. since it's off-topic for that thread, I thought to make a new thread for discussion of what I said there.

My theory is ... Pres Bush = Enron, VP Cheney = Halliburton, SecState Rice = Chevron ... that they are in this position because to some extent Big Oil paid for them to be in the white house, and that they are doing the bidding of Big Oil. However it's not just Big Oil because they're also beholden to the defense contractor industry.

Illegal war in the middle east...? That's from none other than former UN Secretary General Kofi Anan. In ?2004? he stated to the press that the war in Iraq was illegal. It didn't get any approval from anybody, not from the U.S. Congress, not from the United Nations, etc. Just a couple days ago IAEA Chairman Mohammed elBaradei reminded everybody that it's the United Nations who authorizes the use of force in the cases of invasions of countries, that the United Nations did not approve the invasion of Iraq, and that the United Nations has not approved the likely upcoming invasion of Iran.

You might say.. oh, the UN didn't approve because France is a bunch of weanies or some other stupid Republican propaganda. Hmmm... I tend to think the French were seeing something that's now plainly obvious, and which some of us saw at the time. The case the U.S. spun to justify the Iraq war was nothing but a pack of lies.

As far back as Aug 2003 it was obvious to me, in The "case" for War, that the justifications Colin Powell gave to the world in Feb 2003 were nothing but lies. Where were the weapons of mass destruction? Nowhere to be found. Where were the nuke stuff, biological weapons factories, etc, nowhere to be found. The uranium itself was a cooked up mass of lies, just ask former Ambassador Joeseph Wilson and his wife. Al Qaeda was not a presence in Iraq until after the U.S. invasion.

I was looking through my postings for interesting things about Big Oil buying the election. Okay, that claim is not quite so clear cut as e.g. what I just wrote on the lies about Iraq. I don't know any direct evidence for that but it is clear that the administration has been acting in the benefit of big oil and defense contractors, to the detriment of alternatives.

The picture that says it all about the oil crunch ... It's a graphic I found one day that's very illustrative of the problem. The oil producing states are not the oil consuming states. The U.S. passed our peak oil condition in 1971. In 1973, the first "Oil Crisis", the U.S. imported 35% of our oil and OPEC was able to hold the U.S. hostage back then by cutting off oil. So, today the U.S. imports something like 70% of our oil, and doesn't that imply that OPEC has us by the balls? Actually this fact doesn't require that the administration is bought and paid for by Big Oil, this fact would be faced by any administration.

And... The oil in Venezuela ... why is such a deal being made over who runs Venezuela, and why did the U.S. clearly back a coup attempt in Venezuela? Could it be that they have a big pile of oil? Okay, so it's not the best of oil being more like tar, but it's oil and I suppose the thinking is they're in our backyard, within the zone which Pres Monroe declared as U.S.'s playground, and so therefore that country is ripe for being subverted to U.S. interests.

Are we surprised?? The gutting of the energy bill ... The administration's efforts to propose sensible "Energy" policies have all been slanted to Big Oil. And... Examining nukes to replace oil ... the administration has made some pretty screwy suggestions about nuclear energy, for example an idea I found there was to use power from nuclear power plants to aid in extracting oil from tar sands.

That should do to bring out some discussion.

The "case" for War

The "case" for War

The "case" for War

The "case" for War

The "case" for War

The "case" for War

The "case" for War

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

Yep have to agree with pretty much all that you say. I used to think that Colin Powell had integrity - but his UN debacle and his refusal to stand up (in a timely manner) and admit his deceit is a tragedy. He takes his duty to his boss too far.

However, lets not repeat the situation with Iran. I hear lots of people talking as if it's a foregone conclusion that we will invade Iran. I don't believe it is - I believe we have some form of democracy left and that Bush should and will be stopped from recklessly putting more troops and civilians in harms way.

The current Administration has become a very effective propaganda machine - it has taken the art to a new height and has managed to co-opt most of the main stream media. However, I don't necessarily tar the whole Republican party with that brush. The GOP got taken for a ride - by Bush, big Oil, big Defense, the Christian Right et al. Hopefully they will wake up and become a party worthy of their fine history.

In the meantime - IMPEACH BUSH - he's done real harm to the US and he has done so by breaking laws (whereas Clinton just got an extra marital blow job but apparently that was worthy of impeachment)

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

I dont know what to say, it is so upsetting. Can you invade a country and kill its leader based on the possibility that they might attack you? I guess so, as long as you believe you can annihilate them. Guess what, it didnt work.
They certainly are war criminals, however we should be looking to possibly how we can prevent further catastrophic disasters(i could not think of a group of words to express how horrible their rein has been) like bush getting elected.
It looks like Thompson and hillary will be the front runners in 2008, if we can gain a few more seats in the house and senate, possibly we can begin to heal the damage they have done.

PS, might want to also pray that everyone in the supreme court stays on for a year and a few months.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

I heard somewhere that should there be a security threat to the US close to elections, the president can extend his term in office.

Anyone else hear about that?

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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

I did, my crazy way left wing boss, said that the republican party was going to stage a terrorist attack then declare martial law and then suspend elections. Seems possible, but probably not probable.

reikiman's picture
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

Shortly before the 2004 U.S. national election there were some of the inside-the-beltway people discussing what contingency there was for what action to take in the case of a terrorist attack on/near election day. I wrote about it in On delaying the national elections (2004) ...

the republican party was going to stage a terrorist attack then declare martial law and then suspend elections is close to what they were talking about. Namely, what these inside-the-beltway people suggested is that in the case of a "terrorist attack" that they should declare martial law and suspend elections. It of course wasn't explicitly stated that it would be a staged event. But you know how people get when they don't know all the details, they start filling in their own story to complete the story.

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

So, where will we all be going before the US is locked down?

Mexico? Canada? Hawai'i?

Ya'll keep in touch, k?

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reikiman's picture
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and the

I just read the following article and thought of this thread .... Harman: Conservatives Falsely Hyped Terror Threat Against U.S. Capitol To Pass FISA Expansion .... the short story is that in August a supposed threat against the U.S. Capital building was announced, while at near the same time FISA legislation was being debated. Ah, right, just before Congress went on their summer recess they passed legislation that gave Bush more than he wanted on illegal wiretapping. Anyway some Congress-persons helped to "ratchet up the rhetoric" while others called it an obviously bogus warning meant to influence the vote.

It’s still unclear exactly how much the vote was influenced by these events, but at a minimum it demonstrates that the politicization of terror and safety has sunk to a new low on the decency scale.

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President Marx Vice President Krusty the Klown

and secretary of state Eva Braun.
Yep everything is great now..we have a Kenyan President who is taking the Constitution that bush blew his nose on and shredding it in favor of socialism.
Yep. Everything is Roses. and we are still in Iraq,still in Afghanistan and still meddling in the middle east and South America.
2010 should be the year to thorow them ALL out and elect new people. 2012 we should finish the job and throw out the other half.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and ...

I suspect that 911 was "allowed" to happen much like Pearl Harbor was. The government had so very much to gain by not stopping both events.

Cheers, Gary
XM-5000Li, wired for cell voltage measuring and logging.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Re: President Enron, Vice President Halliburtin, etc al, and ...

Bush said (read a prepared speach?) that he "knew" that WOMD would be found in Iraq. No way for him to "know" if he had not been there to see them.

So, he was "told" that they were there, either a lie, or the truth, becase we had "put" (sold, delivered?) the WOMD there.
Then, we would "know" that they (were) there.

Possibly, the WOMD were even found, but the reports killed, because the WOMD still had the USA markings on them?

I believe that the true goal of those really in control during the Bush 8 years (no, not Bush, he appears to be just a puppet who liked the rides to Camp David) was to "rape" the American people of about 4 T$, and possibly destabalize our econony so that those with windfall profits could gain control of major sections of the US financial world.

Cheers, Gary
XM-5000Li, wired for cell voltage measuring and logging.

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