Who is running the forum

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echuckj5's picture
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Who is running the forum

I am tired, it is late at night, thought I'd have a beer and check this forum.

My understanding from the inception of this forum.

Membor input would be appreciated. It is not.

Input is garnered for months, then, wiped out, not what the principles wanted.

Changes needed.

Input from membors and management requested, maybe we can get together.


George J Jones Jr
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Re: Who is running the forum

Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Member input is very important to us, especially from you and MB-1-E, both of you cared enough about our V is for Voltage Community, and just assumed the leadership role and got us to the point where are today.
Because of the misunderstanding that was caused, they will submit all versions for a vote to the whole community, and the time for comments being accepted has been extended until Thursday 10/18/2007, which is 1 month before our first 1 year Anniversary and would allow a whole month for voting.
The final decision lies only with you and MB-1-E on what will be present for voting. It can be as long as you all desire, what matters the most is it was community driven.
I hope this clarifies and answers any questions or concerns you had, we would rather get it as close to right as possible than try and rush the process.
Again thank both you and MB-1-E for volunteering to take on such a difficult task, we all are very appreciative of you all efforts.


Best Regards,
George J. Jones, Jr.
Domain Registrant

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Re: Who is running the forum

I wanted to add my perspective in addition to what George has said.

When we started with this site it was in the midst of an emergency. The old site had crumbled because of absentee management and we kept hoping the old management would show up and take care of their site. We made some temporary arrangements at the time which made sense given we thought the site would be running for a couple months and then the community would revert back to the old reborn site.

But that didn't happen. And as sometimes happens to temporary measures, they become permanent.

But the temporary measures weren't a very healthy arrangement. It's been difficult the last month due to this, and discussions are actively under-way to change what had been temporary measures into new agreements.

And if that sounds as vague to you as it does to me.... uh... Sorry.

- David Herron, http://longtailpipe.com/

echuckj5's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

I guess I understand.

Uh, talking to forum members, behind a cloak, no big deal I guess.
I don't know who "recovery team" is. I think it is time for "recovery team" and all other unknowns to disappear. This does, has, and will continue to have a very detrimental effect on memborship, lost a member yesterday because of this. Someone who has never disrespected the terms of this forum, or, disrespected a member of this forum.

Moderators have names, use em. It is respectful.

Welcoming new members, can and should be done by members. If a post in a thread by a new member sits unnoticed for awhile, then a moderator may step in, using their normal login. Don't use "v is recovery team". The welcoming committee is almost like spam, back off. The welcoming will come, let a new membors post sit, someone will respond. As it is, it is overbearing. Like vultures circling.

Deleting posts. Wiping out posts. Probably needs to be done, sometimes. Not by a cloak or thru a secret society. Man, give us members some respect. Let us let you know that something is out of line. I have only seen one post in a year here that crossed the line and needed to be deleted. And that was'nt handled well. "Either"

I was asked to be a moderator, by email. I to this day, don't know who asked me. It was just moderator. Finally, after several unknown emails and posts in threads by more unknowns, I said, "I normally don't respond to emails or phone calls to people that I don't know." Furthermore "I decline for two reasons. The disrespect of the emails, the failing health of my Parents. Response, the same, "we understand, the v moderation team". Disrespectful? Just rub it in.

Respect your members, the old v is gone, they were here, but left, and won't come back, they are on yahoo and google groups, endless sphere, the bike forum. The single most reason, the disrespect given to them, here.

I hope I am getting my point across. What I would like to see is; No more hidden moderation, eliminate the welcoming commitee, several complaints online "visible" before a posting is moderated.



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Re: Who is running the forum
ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

That's not the main point.

Coming here and posting under several different user names will make you lose credibility when your cover is blown.

Hiding on the forum in the background (mods can be here, but not show up in the "Who's online" list) deleting/ editing/ changing/ "unpublishing" members' posts for no reason is pure BS. The whole "mission statement" is a boat load of crap - it's taken a whole year to figure out a two sentence paragraph? I wasn't even here for a month before the mods pissed someone off bad enough for them to just leave. And there have been so many more after him.

This whole forum should just disappear. It's beating a dead horse with an ax; nobody wants to see that. Nothing's going to change as we've already proven. All the real members are leaving while new imaginary ones (Gman is GIII, George and more) are being created by one person. It looks like a big active forum here, but in reality it's just one person posting replies to themselves. LOL

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kringle777's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

I agree with ArcticFox on that one. Geez, talk about cloak and dagger! Who besides Reikiman is legitimate? Is GMan also GIII, George Jones, V Recovery Team, VOE, Board Moderator, and others? And if so, why? What can be gained by all the different logons?

Why isn't there a list of all the moderators somewhere? That would be fair. Seems like there is just Reikiman running the web server, George Jones when he wants to be pompous, and a bunch of ghosts. What a bunch of weenies (not you Reikiman). I'm so close to just dumping this site because of it. It's like 6th grade again and some jackass is running around being a Hall Monitor and handing out demerits. Get a life.

Red XM-2000
Moss Green "Charger" ebike
Sacramento, CA

newsletter editor
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Re: Who is running the forum

Why isn't there a list of all the moderators somewhere?

A current list of all moderators is located at: The V Team: Our Very Dedicated Community Volunteers

All volunteers were also listed in the Inaugural Edition - V is for Voltage Forums Community Newsletter and will be listed again in the up coming One Year Anniversary Issue.

Newsletter Volunteer

Fechter's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum



kringle777's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

If that's the "current list of all moderators", then where is "Board Moderator" on that list? And you're also saying that GMan, GIII, George Jones, and V Recovery Team are not Moderators and have nothing to do with running the site?

The list is incomplete. You know it, I know it, and everybody else knows it. What a bunch of crap. This little "ghost club" is putting the entire board in jeopardy and undermining the hard work of the moderators who actually put forth their name.

Where is the entire list of logons of everybody running the site? I know at least one of you has it.

Red XM-2000
Moss Green "Charger" ebike
Sacramento, CA

MB-1-E's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum



Dave B

<a href="http://visforvoltage.org/book-page/996-mountain-bike-conversion-24v-3-4h... - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

LOL! I love it! :D


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<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...

kringle777's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

LOL, those pics are classic! You guys have too much time on your hands!

Care to be a Board Moderator?

Red XM-2000
Moss Green "Charger" ebike
Sacramento, CA

MB-1-E's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

:? ;) :)
Dave Brownscombe

Dave B

<a href="http://visforvoltage.org/book-page/996-mountain-bike-conversion-24v-3-4h... - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>

chas_stevenson's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

Not me, all I do is update the DownLoad Library. See my post on "Stand up and be counted". Then Stand up and Be Counted!

Chas S.

MB-1-E's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

... Stand up and be counted or sit down and ride an ebike ... or ... DO BOTH ... just don't stand up and ride an ebike or sit down and be expected to be counted! ;) ... and I highly recommend not jumping any fences with your ebike ...

Dave B

<a href="http://visforvoltage.org/book-page/996-mountain-bike-conversion-24v-3-4h... - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: Who is running the forum

I think jumping fences should be counted.

Now if the person doesn't make it completely over the fence, that'll be counted as -1. :)

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MB-1-E's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Re: Who is running the forum

... since I can't even bear the thought of not making it completely over the fence you can count me with 0 ... (As in BaseStationZero.com ) 8)

Dave B

<a href="http://visforvoltage.org/book-page/996-mountain-bike-conversion-24v-3-4h... - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>

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