Hi Chaps, I'd love some help with this...
This morning on my way into work, my V reported the following error ... 'CAPcur' underneath the GO indicator and illuminated the dreaded yellow spanner. From what I can tell, the bike is still running just as it should but I can't find any references to 'CAPcur' here or anywhere else (credible). What could have caused it? Might CAPcur stand for 'capacitor current?', just a guess. Has anyone else seen the same error? I had been travelling at 60+mph for at least 15 minutes before the warnings came up.
I did the usual thing - pull over, turn off and then pack on (Microsoft restart routine) and the spanner / wrench disappeared. As soon as I pulled away again it immediately re-appeared and this is the same each time I re-start the bike. It would therefore seem a very repeatable error.
I've briefly been in touch with Steve Scott about it (he thinks it may be motor controller related) but before I pull the bike apart I just wondered if anyone else had suffered the same experience? What fixed it for you?
Thanks again for your help, suggestions welcomed as always!
Many thanks, Drew
See attached image
The only capacitor error message I have ever seen was "CAPhot" . It occurred after I increased speed stepwise, driving past my rolling camera to assess the uneven gearbox whine. When I zipped past at 80km/h or more, and did a full regen brake for the umpteenth time in a row (downhill), the error came on.
It never happened again, and I never put such a heavy regen load on it, either.
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There is always a way if there is no other way!
This means that one of the fuses that feeds the big bus caps of the MC is blown. Most likely cause is a breakdown of one of the caps which caused too much AC current to flow in and out of the cap. You should be able to ride like this, however it does put more of a burden on the other 3 caps. The only way to fix it is to change either the fuse and cap or the complete MC.
I did not expalain the process to get to the "CAPhot" error very clearly:
It occurred while I repeatedly drove past a rolling camera on a 10% downhill stretch of road, at ever increasing speeds, always ending with full regenerative braking while still going downhill. Then, go back up the hill and do it again at 10km/h increased speed. Repeating this without any breaks from about 20km/h to 80 or 90km/h eventually caused the "CAPhot" to show up.
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
I did a google search of the phrase, and came back with a forum post ....
Re: CAPcur error condition
My 2007 Vectrix was showing this message and Vectrix said it was because one of
the two fuses on the motor controller was blown. Apparently the bike will still
function on only one fuse but if/when that one goes, the bike dies. I had my
charger and motor controller replaced and now my bike runs fine with no CAPcur
message any more. I got the new software with 68MPH top speed now. Great fun!
Source: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/VectrixRiders/message/333