Radio Ecoshock: An Atmosphere of Crisis

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Radio Ecoshock: An Atmosphere of Crisis

From: An Atmosphere of Crisis


First thing to note is the host of Radio Ecoshock can be a bit doomish so take what he has to say with a grain of salt, but he is well researched and this program is worth listening to.

'Julian Cribb tell us about his new book "The Coming Famine. The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid It."' -- The story in this section of the show has to do with food supply issues. One food crisis is simply having enough fuel to drive the trucks and the rest of the farm machinery. That crisis has the potential to unfold overnight because of the just-in-time supply strategy of the major store chains. But another crisis is simply the carrying capacity of the land to produce food given current population and expected population growth.

Next section is an interview with Dr. Tim Garrett from the University of Utah. He 'has a new paper out in the journal "Climatic Change"' that covers 'what would it take to keep emissions to the relatively safe 450 part per million CO2 level?'

'The new paper not only suggests that isn't going to happen, not with all the good will dreams and schemes in the world. It goes further. Using Hurricane Katrina as an example, Tim explains why the on-going pounding of our civilization by a disturbed climate will lead to horrible inflation. How does climate change lead to inflation? I asked, he answered. You must read the whole transcript here.'

Then he plays a speech by Marie Francois Andre, a climate change denier, and then tears apart Dr. Andre's argument.

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