Some Ahole drove over my new 5000LI with a 2 ton dualie

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Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 16:49
Points: 13
Some Ahole drove over my new 5000LI with a 2 ton dualie

It started out a good night at the bar. Then a friend of mine comes running in yelling for me. I run outside to see my bike 5 feet from where it was parked on it's side. Luckily it wasn't punched into another car/bike. As I'm picking up the bike, I hear the guy in the truck say "What's your problem?". I tell him he ran over my damn bike! He gets out of his truck, and tells me to not trip out cuz I know him! Seriously! At one point he even told me that it was a lesson for both of us cuz I learned to park on the sidewalk so my bike wont get hit! He wrote me his phone number on a business card "not his". I went inside the bar to get a piece of paper and pencil to get his insurance and drivers licence info and he split. I have lots of eye witnesses, and we know who he is so if he doesn't do the right thing, I am coming down on him as hard as I can. One of my biker buddies already offered to lean on him for me, but I don't want to owe him a favor for doing that "just yet..".

Screwed up taillight. Rear fairing. Front fairing. Rear brake is trashed from landing on the master cylinder. I think the kick stand got tweaked too. bent seat. bent rear fender. bent turn signal. bent mirror. And the bike resists counter steering to the left and tucks to the right, so he might have bent the rear trailing arm too.

Seriously sooo pissed I can't see straight right now.

Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Friday, December 1, 2006 - 09:01
Points: 712
Re: Some Ahole drove over my new 5000LI with a 2 ton dualie

Fingers are crossed here that this gets well resolved. Check your frame geometry very closely. A bent frame is a severe safety issue.

At least you were not on it when it got slammed.


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