Winston batteries,a new fairy tale

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CHL lithium battery
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Winston batteries,a new fairy tale

See, Marco Polo,could you please translate the following into English ? it is really fun !

钟馨稼主席风尘仆仆,来到了位于加利福尼亚河滨里卡多的MVP RV Inc.(MVP RV 豪华房车制造工厂)。钟主席的到来,受到了全厂1200名职工的列队欢迎,一些年龄大一些的工人,眼里噙着泪水,拉着钟主席的手久久不肯放松。感人的一幕引起媒体的强烈关注。

MVP RV Inc.原本是美国加州全球最大的一家著名的豪华房车生产厂,两年前,金融危机横扫全球,美国的汽车企业更是首当其冲。MVP RV Inc生产的豪华房车销售增速放缓,工厂的CEO威廉姆斯(Brad Williams)苦于找不到资金来保持工厂的正常运转,工厂的经营已经难以为继,他最终不得不将工厂80%的员工解雇。就在工厂濒临倒闭之际,中国企业家钟馨稼主席出资3.1亿美元收购了MVP RV Inc.,硬是把一个处于困境中的企业从破产的边缘拉了回来,使MVP RV Inc.起死回生。此举不仅挽救了企业,也使被解雇了2年多、整日为生活犯愁的职工重新回到了久违的工作岗位。于是就出现了美国工人眼含泪水欢迎中国企业家的动人场面。

钟馨稼主席对MVP RV Inc.的发展重新定位,利用MVP RV Inc.房车厂整车制造的先进技术,使用温斯顿稀土锂电池这一世界最先进的动力电池,打造全球最先进的纯电动豪华房车,以美国市场为主,同时把亚洲视为纯电动豪华房车未来的开发市场。新组建的MVP RV Inc.宣布,2011年至2013年将增雇3100名员工,其房车产量将增加约30,000辆,今年达到3000辆。

携手Krystal Enterprises豪华车厂再创辉煌

克里斯特企业(Krystal Enterprises)位于加利福尼亚贝瑞阿,是美国一家专门生产豪华车的国际型企业。该企业始终坚持采用高超的手工技艺打造高品质的轿车,而且还可以根据客户的要求量身订制各种类型的豪华轿车、豪华巴士等车型,是全球最大的加长豪华轿车、豪华房车、豪华公交巴士、豪华中巴和各类专用豪华车的制造企业。从建厂到现在已经有近30年的历史,并因其高超的手工技艺、完美的专业设计而享有盛誉。目前拥有员工800人,年产各种类型豪华车1500辆以上,产值达1.7亿美元。

但就是这样一个知名企业,在全球金融风暴的袭击下,生产和经营陷入困境。在深圳举办EVS25展览会之前,克里斯特企业按照钟馨稼主席的要求,用温斯顿集团提供的稀土锂电池专门制造了一辆林肯牌豪华加长轿车。这是世界上唯一一辆纯电动豪华加长轿车,取名为“克里斯特 – 温斯顿No.1”。 这辆林肯牌豪华加长轿车在EVS25届展会和新能源汽车巡游中大放异彩,受到纯电动汽车爱好者的热烈追捧。展会期间,克里斯特的CEO爱德华·格雷奇带着他的团队专程来到深圳参加EVS25展会,爱德华·格雷奇与温斯顿集团主席钟馨稼商定了温斯顿集团收购克里斯特企业的相关事宜。


收购Balqon Corporation 温斯顿集团再添新成员

1月25日上午,温斯顿全球能源有限公司董事局主席钟馨稼向媒体宣布,签下了购买Balqon Corporation公司生产的300套电动汽车驱动系统的订单。温斯顿与美企业间这笔新能源产品交易,让Balqon Corporation这一研发生产零排放重型电动汽车驱动系统的企业扩展了7.5倍,为中国企业在美投资设厂树立了典范。

总部设在美国加利福尼亚州港口城(Harbor City)的Balqon Corporation公司,是一家专业生产电动汽车驱动系统的企业。2008年,该公司已开始生产供洛杉矶港及长堤港使用的零排放30吨电动拖车。2010年Balqon Corporation为温斯顿全球能源有限公司旗下的MVP RV Icn. 休闲旅游房车公司生产了全球首辆A级电动休闲旅游房车。

该公司同样也是受全球金融风暴影响,生产经营举步维艰,面临倒闭。钟馨稼主席看上了这家公司在生产电动车驱动系统的实力,决心把这个企业纳入温斯顿集团旗下,专门生产纯电动车驱动系统。2010年,钟馨稼主席首期投入现金500万美元购买了Balqon Corporation公司,成为Balqon Corporation公司的最大股东。

钟馨稼主席在完成收购Balqon Corporation公司后宣布,将在今后18个月内购买该公司生产的300套电动汽车驱动系统。这些产品出口到中国后将用于生产15至40座各种型号客车。这些客车的动力来源即是温斯顿全球能源有限公司生产的锂电池。Balqon Corporation公司的CEO萨姆拉(B. Samra)激动地说,钟馨稼的巨额订单不仅挽救了企业,还将彻底改变了Balqon Corporation公司的发展规模。钟馨稼主席宣布,今后几年里,随着新能源汽车行业的发展,Balqon Corporation公司的生产能力将达到每年生产50万套电动汽车驱动系统的水平。

钟馨稼主席是稀土锂电池的发明人。他相信,他的新能源产品与Balqon Corporation生产的电动汽车驱动系统相结合,一定可以生产出最佳电动汽车。而对于洛杉矶而言,量产这种绿色能源汽车也将创造出更多的工作机会。此外,钟馨稼还计划在加州建设一座生产稀土锂电池的工厂。
无论是收购MVP RV Inc.、Krystal Enterprises,还是收购Balqon Corporation,温斯顿全球能源集团已经向世界证明,中国人发明的世界最先进的生命源稀土锂电池不仅为美国汽车产业带来了新的生机,也必将推动全球新能源汽车快速发展。

中国企业家收购美国汽车制造企业,就象神奇的神话故事一样,引起世界震惊,全球关注。MVP RV Inc.原CEO威廉姆斯说,当企业的销售出现放缓之际,他有幸认识了钟馨稼先生这个专门为电动汽车生产电池的企业家。他俩的相遇相识相知的过程,几乎比神话故事还奇特。而此事对于钟馨稼来说,让他高兴的并不是成为了MVP RV Inc.、Krystal Enterprises、Balqon Corporation三个美国汽车制造企业的最大股东,使他真正感到欣慰的是,当他看到每多生产一部新能源汽车,就可以减少一些燃油汽车尾气排放对大气的污染,地球就会多增加一丝绿色,人类自身的拯救就更多了一些希望。


慷慨捐巨资 持续新能源产品技术研发

1月24日,位于美国南加州洛杉矶以东的加利福尼亚大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside),迎来了一位尊贵的客人送来的一份沉甸甸的厚礼:中国温斯顿集团公司董事局主席锺馨稼先生与加大河滨分校校长提姆·怀特(Timothy P. White)正式签署了备忘录——向该校捐款1000万美元,资助该校伯恩斯工程学院开发清洁环保电池、太阳能以及可持续交通研究。

校方用这笔捐款正式成立以钟馨稼名字(钟馨稼英文名字Winston Chung)命名的“温斯顿全球能源研究中心”(Winston Chung Global Center),专门从事钟馨稼先生发明的生化稀土锂电池的后期研究,同时对钟馨稼先生一贯倡导的生化科技、洁净能源与能源储存等技术进行更新的研究和发明。为表达感激之意,校方还特地将教学大楼命名为Winston Chung Hall,建立了能源创新与Winston Chung两个教授基金,另外一个研究中心也以Winston Chung 的名字命名。


加州大学校长提姆·怀特在与钟馨稼主席签署了备忘录后说,这是该校有史以来最大的一笔个人捐款。滨河分校工程系主任Reza Abbaschian 说,这对工程系的学生是绝佳的机会,也是对新能源技术研究的最大鼓励。

进军美国休闲娱乐界 ­全方位拓展环保产业






CHL lithium battery
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Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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Re: Winston batteries,a new fairy tale

Chairman Mao relive and went to save American,this is the content of above story

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Re: Winston batteries,a new fairy tale

FWIW - the translate function in Google Chrome gave me the following:

Zhong Xin Jia President dusty, came to Riverside, California Ricardo's MVP RV Inc. (MVP RV limousine manufacturing plant). The arrival of President clock by a full factory workers lined up to welcome 1200, some older some of the workers, the eyes of tears, and took a long time refused the hand of President Chung relax. Moving scene caused intense media attention.

MVP RV Inc. Originally the largest in California, a well-known limousine manufacturing plant, two years ago, the financial crisis sweeping the world, the U.S. auto companies are particularly affected. MVP RV Inc slowdown in the production of luxury cars sales, factory, CEO Williams (Brad Williams) could not find funds to maintain the normal operation of the factory, the factory has been difficult to sustain the business, he eventually had to plant 80 % of employees dismissed. On the verge of collapse in the factory on the occasion, Chairman of Zhong Xin Jia Chinese entrepreneurs invested 310 million U.S. dollars acquisition of MVP RV Inc., He just put a troubled company from the brink of bankruptcy back, so MVP RV Inc. Back to life. This not only saved the company, also was fired 2 years, day workers anxious for life to return to the long-lost jobs. So there have been tears of U.S. workers lookin welcome Chinese entrepreneurs moving scenes.

Zhong Xin Jia Chairman MVP RV Inc. Reorientation of development, the use of MVP RV Inc. Housing depot vehicle manufacturing of advanced technology, the use of rare earth Winston, the world's most advanced lithium battery, creating the world's most advanced electric luxury cars to the U.S. market, while Asia as a pure electric luxury cars to the future development of the market. The newly formed MVP RV Inc. Announced that from 2011 to 2013 employed 3,100 workers will increase its car production will increase by about 30,000 units this year, 3,000 vehicles.

Luxury hand depot glory Krystal Enterprises

Crest Enterprise (Krystal Enterprises) is located in California Beirui A, is the United States specializing in the production of luxury cars, a international enterprise. The company always stick with superb craftsmanship to create high-quality cars, but also tailored according to the requirements of customers all types of luxury cars, luxury buses and other vehicles, is the largest stretch limousine, limousine , luxury bus, Pakistan and various exclusive luxury luxury car manufacturers. From the construction of the nearly 30 years now, and because of its superb craftsmanship, the perfect professional design and reputation. Currently has 800 employees, annual output of more than 1500 types of luxury cars, the output value of 1.7 billion U.S. dollars.

But is such a well-known enterprises in the global financial turmoil, the production and management trouble. EVS25 exhibitions held in Shenzhen before Crist enterprises in accordance with the requirements of Chairman Chung Jia Xin, with Winston Group specializes in the manufacture of rare earth lithium batteries a Lincoln luxury brand extended sedan. This is the only luxury longer a pure electric car, named "Crist - Winston No.1". Lincoln brand luxury sedans Zheliang extended session in EVS25 show and shine the parade of new energy vehicles, pure electric car enthusiasts are in hot pursuit. During the exhibition, the CEO Edward Ge Leiqi Crist brought his team had come to Shenzhen to attend EVS25 show, and Winston Edward Gelei Qi Zhong Xin Jia, Chairman of the Winston Group agreed to acquire business related matters Crist .

Crist Enterprises completed the acquisition of legal procedures, is also Chairman of the Zhong Xin Jia is an important trip to the U.S. business. January 23, in the Crest Enterprises, Zhong Jia Xin Ge Leiqi chairman and Edward Winston Group signed a purchase agreement Crist once again operate the vehicle with the United States manufacturing technology to build advanced lithium battery electric luxury car of rare earth The generous!

Winston Group, the acquisition of Balqon Corporation Adds New Member

January 25 morning, Winston Global Energy Co., Ltd. Zhong Xin Jia Chairman of the Board announced to the media, signed a purchase Balqon Corporation produced 300 sets of orders for electric vehicle drive system. Winston and the U.S. business transactions between the amount of new energy products, so Balqon Corporation R & D production of the heavy-duty zero-emission electric vehicle drive system in an expansion of 7.5 times, for Chinese enterprises to invest and set up in the United States set a good example.

Headquartered in California, the port city (Harbor City) of Balqon Corporation company, is a professional manufacturer of electric vehicle drive system of the enterprise. In 2008, the company has started production for the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach port to use 30 tons of zero-emission electric trailer. Winston 2010 Balqon Corporation is owned by Global Energy Company Limited MVP RV Icn. Leisure travel car company produced the world's first electric vehicle A-RV leisure travel.

The company is also affected by the global financial turmoil, production and management difficult, face closure. Zhong Xin Jia took a fancy to the company chairman in the production of the strength of electric vehicle drive system, determined to make this business into the Winston Group, specializes in the production of pure electric vehicle drive systems. In 2010, Chairman Jia Xin Zhong Cash $ 5,000,000 initial investment Balqon Corporation bought the company, becoming the largest shareholder in the company Balqon Corporation.

Zhong Xin Jia Balqon Corporation completed the acquisition of the President, after the company announced that it will in the next 18 months to purchase the company's 300 sets of electric vehicle drive system. These products will be exported to China for the production of 15-40 various models of passenger cars. The bus power source that is Winston Ltd global energy lithium batteries. Balqon Corporation's CEO Samra (B. Samra) said excitedly, Zhong Jia Xin huge orders not only saved the company, will completely change the size of the company's development Balqon Corporation. Zhong Xin Jia President announced that the next few years, with the development of new energy automotive industry, Balqon Corporation's annual production capacity will reach 50 million sets of electric vehicle drive system level.

Zhong Xin Jia is chaired by the invention of lithium rare-earth people. He believed that his new production of energy products and Balqon Corporation's electric vehicle drive system combines the best will be able to produce electric vehicles. For Los Angeles, the mass production of this green energy cars will create more jobs. In addition, Zhong Xin Jia also plans to build a production of rare earth in California lithium battery factory.
Whether the acquisition of MVP RV Inc., Krystal Enterprises, or the acquisition of Balqon Corporation, Winston Global Energy Group has been proved to the world, the Chinese invented the world's most advanced lithium battery life of rare earth not only for the U.S. auto industry has brought new vitality, but also will promote the rapid development of new energy vehicles worldwide.

Chinese entrepreneurs acquire U.S. auto manufacturers, like magic, like fairy tales, cause shock the world, global concern. MVP RV Inc. Williams, the former CEO, said the sales slowdown as companies on the occasion, he had the honor to know Mr. Zhong Xinjia this specialized production of batteries for electric vehicles entrepreneurs. They knew them, the process of encounter, almost fairy tale is also strange. And this is for the Zhong Xin Jia, let him not become happy MVP RV Inc., Krystal Enterprises, Balqon Corporation three American car manufacturer's largest shareholder, so he really was pleased that, when he saw each production of a new energy vehicles to reduce the number of fuel vehicle emissions pollution of the atmosphere, the Earth would increase more than a trace of green, the salvation of human beings even more hope.

Williams and Edward, and Samra and other American entrepreneurs have been many Chinese entrepreneurs for help, but eventually won the Zhong Xin Jia investment, which seems to depends on chance. However, in accordance with our mission to develop new energy products to the invention and manufacture of lithium battery life of rare earth, to earth is also our goal of a green bell Xin Jia, this is all the Buddha's enlightenment, guidance, which is scheduled Buddha the reality of myth. For a home determined to save human existence, but also the earth is a green entrepreneur, as soon as possible eliminate fuel vehicles, to reduce and eliminate fuel cars on the global environment of human beings and atmospheric pollution, is his pursuit of the highest state Bodhi is his, is his greatest fulfillment.

Juan Juzi continued generosity of new energy technology R & D

January 24, east of Los Angeles in Southern California, University of California, Riverside (University of California, Riverside), welcomed a distinguished guest sent a heavy gift: Winston Group, Director of China Chairman of the Board increased Mr. Chung Jia Xin President Tim White, Riverside (Timothy P. White) signed a memorandum of understanding - 10 million U.S. dollars donation to the school, the school funded the development of clean environmental Burns Institute batteries, solar , and Sustainable Transportation.

School with the donation was formally established in Zhong Xin Jia name (Zhong Xin Jia English name Winston Chung) named "Winston Global Energy Research Center" (Winston Chung Global Center), specializes in Mr. Zhong Xinjia invention biochemical RE lithium battery later study Meanwhile, Mr. Zhong Xinjia has consistently advocated the biotechnology, clean energy and energy storage technology update and inventions. To express gratitude, the school also will be teaching buildings specifically named Winston Chung Hall, established the Energy Innovation Fund, two professors with the Winston Chung, the other a research center named after the Winston Chung.

University of California, Riverside officially founded in 1954, is a public university, the existing staff of 549 people, nearly 2 million students, is the California Institute of Technology campus in the 10 most beautiful campus in a school, but also the nation's largest language training center. University of California Riverside has 10 undergraduate majors, 50 master's degree programs and 39 doctoral programs. Because of the service, teaching, scientific research has made remarkable achievements in the world, University of California Riverside's teaching and research staff of scientific progress by the famous American Association for the amount accepted as a member of the United States ranked first on several occasions.

The school has 1,200 acres of school wide, the various hardware and software equipment, the students In addition to formal classes, the school can make full use of audio-visual classrooms, libraries, and swimming pool, gym, tennis courts, volleyball courts, baseball fields, etc. recreational sports facilities.
President Tim White, University of California, with Chairman Jia Xin Zhong said after the signing of a memorandum of understanding, this is the school the biggest individual donation ever. Riverside Campus Engineering Department Reza Abbaschian says this engineering student is a great opportunity for new energy technology is also the greatest encouragement.

Full range of leisure and entertainment industry into the U.S. Environmental Protection Industry Development

The U.S. business trip, Zhong Xin Jia also at 2.3 billion cash acquisition of California, a yacht club and a golf course, indicating that Winston Group's business tentacles have started in a new field extension, which is Zhong Xin Jia Chairman expansion of its new energy products, energy products with a new step to promote the cause of global environmental protection is another major step forward.

If the lithium battery using the earth as a power of pure electric vehicles can reduce fuel cars and then wipe out, eliminate vehicle emissions pollution of the Earth's atmosphere, then, Winston storage battery charging station will be developed by the global emission reduction provide important support. Zhong Xin Jia President sights storage area charging stations in more extensive future development prospects, resolutely decided to start from the United States, investment top the entertainment industry and its long-term investment objective is to use stored energy to the charging stations in all areas to achieve global energy emission reduction target is also a green planet.

Practice shows that the energy storage Winston Group, inventor of the charging station, in the energy conservation will play an important role in the. Currently, the Winston Group cooperation with the Shenzhen municipal authorities will build a storage OCT charging station, while co-operation with the China Southern Power Grid, an additional storage building charging stations. With the completion of storage charging stations, electric power grid Valley evening will be the effective use of resources, coal thermal power generation will significantly reduce the waste of resources, while the construction of storage charging station, will be solar, wind and other new energy efficient use of provide support to the sustainable development of human health toward the end of the road.

Since then, the Winston Group, established to life lithium battery products at the core of rare earth industry, set new energy products R & D institutions, the pure electric vehicle drive system manufacturing, vehicle manufacturing electric vehicles, including the storage battery charging station construction, including large industrial system, Zhong Xin Jia President personally created the world's largest pure electric car manufacturing industry has gradually taken shape Kingdom.

A short four-day U.S. trip, the generous Chushoubufan operation highlights the lofty aspirations of the Zhong Xin Jia Winston President and his group is stalked to the world.

CHL lithium battery
CHL lithium battery's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 18:58
Points: 305
Re: Winston batteries,a new fairy tale

Thank you,very nice interpreter,"tears of U.S. workers lookin welcome Chinese entrepreneurs moving scenes"....
Make sense like Chairman Mao's visiting everywhere 50 years before.

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