Memory Dump

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ElectricLou's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, January 9, 2008 - 16:11
Points: 59
Memory Dump

Hello All,

I have performed a memory dump on my vectrix and have the cvs file that can open in excel. Opening this file just shows a bunch of numbers. I have read I need some type of template to decipher the data. Can someone please point in the right direction to obtaing this template?


ElectricLou's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, January 9, 2008 - 16:11
Points: 59
Re: Memory Dump

Thanks to the loyal v is for voltage member that set me up with the proper template. The template seems to show a log of riding history.
It shows Minutes, distance amp hours and average current. I am curious if there are other templates that would decode battery temperature or other details. Does anyone know what other data the vectrix stores?

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