Trek Valencia+ HELP ME PLEASE

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Peter Stonsby
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: Thursday, June 21, 2012 - 07:08
Points: 8
Trek Valencia+ HELP ME PLEASE

Hello, I am considering buying my friend's Trek Valencia=+ ...there is only one problem. He let the bike sit idle for around 7-8 months. Now the battery only gives me about 8 miles of life, even conserving it as much as possible. I need to A) find out EXACTLY where and how much a replacement battery costs, B) UPGRADE the battery as described above. Can you tell me where I am to purchase such a battery online, or do I have to go through a BionX dealer? I am not an electronics wizard, however the LiFePO4 batteries look like a way to go, but wil I need to change everything to add this kind of battery? I am very confused, and perhaps I will also post this as a new thread... Thanks in advance for any help, Petey

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
Joined: Saturday, February 25, 2012 - 05:27
Points: 24
Re: Trek Valencia+ HELP ME PLEASE


You failed to mention original battery [type, V, AH rating ...], but I see it shows a Lithium Battery. LiFePO4 is very good, but you _may_ be able to recondition old battery, and then use original charger, and mount + connections.

EWheels EW475 eBike LiFePO4 36 V 10 AH Bat

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