Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

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Native One
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Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?


I live in Washington State..........You never know when it will rain here...Lol!!!

Want to make my xb-610 last awhile and wanted to know what could prevent water problems.

I'm tempted to put dialectric compound on all connections.

Any ideas would be helpful.

Heman B.
Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

All I can tell you from my XB-700li is to try to find some bottle of car paint, to spray over the screws.
Some screws seem to corrode faster than others.

Otherwise, most of the bike is pretty water-free. I drove in peddles of water half a foot deep, and have driven in some stormy rain.

The good thing is that your most important part (the motor hub) is made out of aluminum, so it won't rust.

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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

I have a xb700li as well, I couldn't get away with driving in rain, the blinkers stopped flashing they stayed solid lit. I would recommend relocating the controller into the seat and it's wiring bundle or adding extra walls between it and the road. Also the 3 phase wires going to the hub motor usually overheat and melt so you can redo those connections if they melt, maybe that's how the water got in, I'm not sure. Either way I wouldn't recommend it at all to ride in the rain.

Native One
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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

Thank you.
I think I will change some of the bolts to Stainless ones.

Native One
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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

Thank you.

I think I will make some splash guard walls and make a skid plate at the front side of the battery box.

the xb-610 sits lower than the xb-700Li.

I will see if i can silicone the wire comming out of the hub.

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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

Putting silicone around the hub motor wires where they exit might actually do more harm than good, if they are prone to overheating. Silicone is a moderate heat insulator, and could allow them to get even hotter. If you do use it, try to avoid running on full power for more than a couple of seconds, and use as little of the stuff as will work for waterproofing.

Native One
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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

Good points to ponder.

Maybe someone has a solution.

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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

Run higher gauge wire to the motor and then use thermal bonding compound around where the hub motor goes in? Thicker wire is much more efficient. You could get a 12V DC to DC converter and put a squirrel cage server fan or centrifugal type from a laptop on the hub motor if you really needed to, but do you really need to? Who made these scooters with such horrible gauge wire for the task?!

Here is my xb700li, After removing zip ties to the frame, I took a large storage ziplock and completely covered the wiring and taped it up where it went out to the scooter, I use duck brand duct tape, I only had tye dye design but it works. I cut down the power wires about a foot and crimped them and covered with electrical tape because they were melting, with the stock connections which were the removable pole type connector.

Native One
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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

Thanks for the reply and picture.

Looks like you have a solution.

And you are right......I would think the wires should have been at least 10 guage.

Heman B.
Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
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Re: Does anything on an XB-610 need to be waterproofed?

I don't know where you got your 700Li, but the wires on mine are adequately large.
They don't warm up, and certainly don't overheat.
I even add an extra 10A/20A Peak battery to the main battery, that via the chargerport (which has a very thin wire), and those never melted!

Perhaps if you do a lot of climbing, but where I use the bike is flat ground, no hills (though it usually is above 85 degrees here).

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