Does anyone have a speedo for a XB-610 they would like to sell? I also need the the top part of the dash that goes around the speedometer.
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Why not install a cyclometer?
The speedo is too off to be of any use anyway!
Dude, that really sucks!
I know on this site they have parts for electric bikes:
And it's not too expensive!
Dude, that really sucks!
I know on this site they have parts for electric bikes:
And it's not too expensive!
Dude, that really sucks!
I know on this site they have parts for electric bikes:
And it's not too expensive!
Dude, that really sucks!
I know on this site they have parts for electric bikes:
And it's not too expensive!
Your link is for a XB-600 not a XB-610. There's a difference in part numbers and price. I have a 600 and the speedo has different connectors.
Then just change the web address to 610 instead of 600!
They're the original manufacturers of your bike, you'll get original parts there.