Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m elevation
Yes,I am Mujin Chen (Mountain chen),lost password 1 years,now I am back is a promotion trip for 2 wheel EV,to celebrate new law for electric motorcycle in China
climb 70kms to reach 4412m elevation
Speed up to 120km/h Maxi scooter ....... it climps any slope in the world too !
China Tibet is the most difficulty road in the world,we will prove the ability and reliability of our scooter !
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Mountain, now you are coming into your own, electrically climbing a BIG mountain :-) I am SERIOUSLY impressed!!!
And you are REALLY testing your new Puma (and the other models you have along) quite rigorously, this is the way to go! REAL development and testing, proving, validating, analyzing, improving, ...
My mouth is still agape :O
Did you have recharge points along the way, or did you have a portable generator along in your service vehicle?
Does this mean that now more powerful electric two-wheelers are also allowed in China? And hence your celebration?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Tibei is not so wild as image,there is village at road side every 50-100km,so that we can charge 2 times everyday,2 hour lunch time and over night charging,our charger is 20A on board charger,so that range is not a problem !
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Thanks Montain for the clarification! So your progress is on the slower side. Not surprising with the state of the roads, meaning that 100 to 200km per day will be quite a feat at times :-)
Any updates, Mountain?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Johnny,thanks for your concern..........Chris is ok,24 year old young guy !
but Tibet road is really too bad,too many gravel steepy road ....................
And 2 relay broken today,do you have any idea of good quality relay ? Chinese relay is not reliable at all,is it long slope regenrative cause the relay broken ?
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Ouch!!! Also my best wishes for Chris, and guys, please take care of yourselves, riding on gravel can be fun for a while, but in such abundance it gets really old really fast... :-(
Relay: What is it for? Do you mean the main contactor?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Albright is considered a good contactor, but a bit expensive.
I bought this one, it's chinese and I don´t know yet if it's any good:
I measured the "contactor voltage" out of the Sevcon and for some reason it was only 61V, that's why I bought the 60V-version.
My theory is that the 61V is not really enough for the 72V contactor in my Thunder, that's why I've had some problems, or else the contactor is "semi-broken".
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Today passed 5008meter altitude,hit the first snow and hail and cold !
These area home electric supply are low to 145-180V,it is lucky we bring univeral charger range 110V-250V which don't have problem !
24 year old Chris,my good engineer
This is Yangtz River,from river to hill top, 80kms climbing from 2650m to 5008m ..........
T5 and Kingkong --------- two hand-made E-scooter converted by China EV Fans failed on climbing finally and carried by truck !
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
You guys are phenomenal!!! Sad for the two hand-made scoots...
So if I read your chart right you have now passed the halfway mark? Good thing you are now experiencing what I do in winter every day with my Fury Thunder :-) How are the CHL faring when cooled down over night? I strongly assume you can feel the decrease in performance? Shouldn't be as bad as with my GBS though...
How are the battered Chris and his likewise battered ride doing? Your Puma still seems to be in good shape!
Could you list the models and makes of your rides? You seem to have a very varied troup of electric scooters.
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Re: 2012 Tibet Noah trip......... 2100km ,4000-5000m sea ...
Mr. Chen. This is Manuel Estevez (Manny Steve). I will make a following on your progress over Tibet on electric scooters. Will try to get spanish motoring people in Spain interested in your electric-bike project.
People like you are the future; keep on going with your enthusiasm! Bring electric vehicles into our lives!
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Just to be clear, as I understand it Mountain himself is not riding.
He gets these photos and reports from his crew/friends.
Yes,I am a reporter this time,but I change my idea,I am thinking of driving them back in person because my staffs desribe so beautiful scenery in Tibet plateu. I am eager to try myself if the 2 scooters are still under good condition after they arrive in Lasa.I plan to fly Lasa and drive back from another road--- Lasa to Yunnan province,that would be another 2400km tough road,so that total trip would be 5000km then.
I will only have time after Oct 15,next week I have to receive several vistors to my company.
Another guy is Paul,a EV fans who buy and ride VK2008.
Yes,CHL battery works perfect and range even enlarge everytime recharged because more and more active first 20cycles
Re: Search for 2012 Noah's ark trip,2100kms to Tibet,5000m ...
Yes,maybe we will keep Tibet trip to be regular actitive every year. and welcome all western visitors,EV have much more advantage than gas power when hypoxic only 50%.
It is very bad habit to do overnight job if I want to drive to Tibet.Now it is 6:00PM in China
"M. Chen" as in "Mujin Chen"? If yes, is this a test drive or a vacation adventure?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Yes,I am Mujin Chen (Mountain chen),lost password 1 years,now I am back is a promotion trip for 2 wheel EV,to celebrate new law for electric motorcycle in China

climb 70kms to reach 4412m elevation
Speed up to 120km/h Maxi scooter ....... it climps any slope in the world too !
China Tibet is the most difficulty road in the world,we will prove the ability and reliability of our scooter !
Mountain, now you are coming into your own, electrically climbing a BIG mountain :-) I am SERIOUSLY impressed!!!
And you are REALLY testing your new Puma (and the other models you have along) quite rigorously, this is the way to go! REAL development and testing, proving, validating, analyzing, improving, ...
My mouth is still agape :O
Did you have recharge points along the way, or did you have a portable generator along in your service vehicle?
Does this mean that now more powerful electric two-wheelers are also allowed in China? And hence your celebration?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Yes,Powerful electric motorcycle are street legal in China now,the new law started on Sep 1st,2012
My scooter in Isreal already passed 40000kms tough riding within one year,that's another difficulty place where summer are always 42 degree heat !
Another elvation record the fifeth day .............800kms passed,the sky is only one step left !
Wow, not much missing to 5000m!
Again, I am very interested to learn how you recharge your bikes?
"Did you have recharge points along the way, or did you have a portable generator along in your service vehicle?" Or I must rephrase: DO you have :-)
The going must be pretty slow, unless you have some DC-fast-charging stations along that you can connect to high power interfaces with the grid?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Tibei is not so wild as image,there is village at road side every 50-100km,so that we can charge 2 times everyday,2 hour lunch time and over night charging,our charger is 20A on board charger,so that range is not a problem !
Thanks Montain for the clarification! So your progress is on the slower side. Not surprising with the state of the roads, meaning that 100 to 200km per day will be quite a feat at times :-)
Any updates, Mountain?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Yesterday pass 850kms,today will impact half distance.
Range 195km without charging (the yellow zone) ,of course,most of time are down slope and recharge battery.
Is he OK?
Johnny,thanks for your concern..........Chris is ok,24 year old young guy !
but Tibet road is really too bad,too many gravel steepy road ....................
And 2 relay broken today,do you have any idea of good quality relay ? Chinese relay is not reliable at all,is it long slope regenrative cause the relay broken ?
Ouch!!! Also my best wishes for Chris, and guys, please take care of yourselves, riding on gravel can be fun for a while, but in such abundance it gets really old really fast... :-(
Relay: What is it for? Do you mean the main contactor?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Albright is considered a good contactor, but a bit expensive.
I bought this one, it's chinese and I don´t know yet if it's any good:
I measured the "contactor voltage" out of the Sevcon and for some reason it was only 61V, that's why I bought the 60V-version.
My theory is that the 61V is not really enough for the 72V contactor in my Thunder, that's why I've had some problems, or else the contactor is "semi-broken".
Yes,it is not funny 10 hours everyday riding on gravel road,it kill 2 tyres already !
Today passed 5008meter altitude,hit the first snow and hail and cold !
These area home electric supply are low to 145-180V,it is lucky we bring univeral charger range 110V-250V which don't have problem !

24 year old Chris,my good engineer
This is Yangtz River,from river to hill top, 80kms climbing from 2650m to 5008m ..........
T5 and Kingkong --------- two hand-made E-scooter converted by China EV Fans failed on climbing finally and carried by truck !
You guys are phenomenal!!! Sad for the two hand-made scoots...
So if I read your chart right you have now passed the halfway mark? Good thing you are now experiencing what I do in winter every day with my Fury Thunder :-) How are the CHL faring when cooled down over night? I strongly assume you can feel the decrease in performance? Shouldn't be as bad as with my GBS though...
How are the battered Chris and his likewise battered ride doing? Your Puma still seems to be in good shape!
Could you list the models and makes of your rides? You seem to have a very varied troup of electric scooters.
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Just to be clear, as I understand it Mountain himself is not riding.
He gets these photos and reports from his crew/friends.
Who is this then?

Or this?

My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Mr. Chen. This is Manuel Estevez (Manny Steve). I will make a following on your progress over Tibet on electric scooters. Will try to get spanish motoring people in Spain interested in your electric-bike project.
People like you are the future; keep on going with your enthusiasm! Bring electric vehicles into our lives!
We will be in contact; bye...
Not him :-)
Yes,I am a reporter this time,but I change my idea,I am thinking of driving them back in person because my staffs desribe so beautiful scenery in Tibet plateu. I am eager to try myself if the 2 scooters are still under good condition after they arrive in Lasa.I plan to fly Lasa and drive back from another road--- Lasa to Yunnan province,that would be another 2400km tough road,so that total trip would be 5000km then.
I will only have time after Oct 15,next week I have to receive several vistors to my company.
Another guy is Paul,a EV fans who buy and ride VK2008.
Yes,CHL battery works perfect and range even enlarge everytime recharged because more and more active first 20cycles
See scenery from
I wish I had the time, would really like to join you!
Maybe next time. :-)
Yes,maybe we will keep Tibet trip to be regular actitive every year. and welcome all western visitors,EV have much more advantage than gas power when hypoxic only 50%.
It is very bad habit to do overnight job if I want to drive to Tibet.Now it is 6:00PM in China
Yeah I was thinking about that before, thought you went up early :-)
Sign me up for next year!
I will,good night
Today ride 234kms,the longest distance and the best road.

Is this the same road as on this pic?

Any updates to this epic journey?
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
Yes,it is the same place,these 2 days are on way of worse area and no internet,estimated to arrive in Lasa 2 days later....
do you have any detail information of these 3 EV gobol trip in 2011 ? any link of their trip ? route,rang everyday ....etc
This was the "Zero Race".
My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW
30000kms means everyday 300-400km driving ? is it possible ? where to find big current charging station for E-car ?