Got a 550 TEV from CL for $124

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Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 08:42
Points: 11
Got a 550 TEV from CL for $124

I pickuped up a 550 TEV from CL and I am trying to get it operational.
The generator tire light wire is missing, the front head light is missing, and the rear brake light cover is gone (did not care about any of those items).
Outside of the genreator lighting system, it appears to be in good order; however, it has dead batteries (12V & 10.6V respectively), so until I replace the battery I will not know the status of the motor/controller.
The Keyswitch will beep the piezo when flipped on, but again it shows at 0% due to the battry system being at 22VDC.
I let my wife test drive it then I pedaled it around, then the right pedal fell off when I got on.
I realized after looking at it that they used two left crank arms and when the right crank arm was rethreaded it had stripped out and the pedal was JB welded in; therefore, I intend to replace the right crank arm with one from a tandem captain (~$50 - if things check out).
I spent $14 on a Park Universal Crank arm puller (uses Square Taper Crank Arms) so I could get this fixed.
Last night I took the battery apart and verified dimensions so I could find replacements alternatives (already was aware of the issue of drop in replacements not being available).
After recrimping a bad buttsplice, I put the battery back together and charged it for a few minutes and put the meter on the terminals and saw that it still allows voltage on the bottom termainals with the charger plugged in. I decided to attach the battery and see if I could tell whether the motor would spin up or if the speed controller would do anything.

I plugged everything up, and flipped on and it showed 100% on the built in meter. I held the tire still and pressed on the pedals and I heard the relay on the control board click; however, I did not feel/hear any motor attempt at running. My question for those of you with working bikes is if it has a shutoff to prevent the motor from kicking in if 28V (charging voltage) is applied (would hate to buy batteries for no reason).

So far I am in it $138 before a crank arm and batteries. I still hope to get it going in case gas prices keep going up, but if it does refuse to work - I may either part it out or relist it.

Any info on being able to diagnose the above would be appreciated.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 08:42
Points: 11
Re: Got a 550 TEV from CL for $124

Looking at this bike again, and trying to figure out why it does not appear to engage. The wire from the generator goes back to the control board. I had an epiphany that the front generator is required to make it go. I bet there is a relay that it engages to get voltage into the controller. Anyone have a schematic or experience to share related to this?

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 08:42
Points: 11
Re: Got a 550 TEV from CL for $124

Need to know if front generator is required to make it go, ie. engage a relay.

Persona Non-Grata
Last seen: 10 years 3 days ago
Joined: Monday, October 5, 2009 - 00:31
Points: 75
Re: Got a 550 TEV from CL for $124

The front generator is not required to opperate this particular bicycle, it is only used to provide power to the head and tail lights, and only when and in proportion to the rotation of the front wheel.

With a hammer, a chisle can be made. With a hammer and chistle, files can be made. With hammer, chisle, and file anything else can be made.
Kaishan k500w retired, Merida TEV500 on indefinite sabbatical, currently using a Currie E-zip Trailz.

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