Spec's and pricing for 2013 Nissan Leaf (japanese model) - more electric car, at lower price

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Spec's and pricing for 2013 Nissan Leaf (japanese model) - more electric car, at lower price

Nissan just announced details for the Japanese model of the 2013 Nissan Leaf. They're offering more features, better range, various other improvements, at a lower price of entry.

Nissan press release: http://www.nissan-global.com/EN/NEWS/2012/_STORY/121120-01-e.html
Writeup: http://www.torquenews.com/1075/japanese-2013-nissan-leaf-announced-offering-more-electric-car-lower-price

The improved range did not come from change to the battery pack. That has remained the same. Instead it came from a range of efficiency improvements and weight reduction. It's difficult to translate the range estimate from Japan, but it may be that the EPA range estimate will increase to 83 miles.


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