Here's the first step, going over the initial step. I did some work yesterday, shot two more videos yet to be posted, and the controller/throttle is now hooked up.
I got the Vego 600sx several years ago, shortly after that company went out of business. It doesn't have the stock Vego controller nor batteries and instead the battery box easily holds 3x 12 volt 12 amp-hour lead-acid batteries. I had let the scooter sit idle in the corner of the garage for a long time and the batteries are dead. Bought new batteries, am rebuilding the wiring, and am planning to sell the scooter when it's finished.
The controller is from 4qd, a small controller maker in the UK.
Wow! In the past I've done some basic wiring and replacements on my Vegos. But never again, too frustrating. I currently have 2 Vego Sx 600s, fairly intact. What I really want is to hire someone to drop a bigger motor and a 36 or 48V controller in one of them. But I haven't been able to find anyone locally. You don't happen to know anyone in the Boston area with your skills?