Greeting from Phoenix Arizona, USA

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Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 05:23
Points: 21
Greeting from Phoenix Arizona, USA

Greetings everyone,
My name is KC Vale and though I am new to this forum I am far from new to forums and just thought I would introduce myself before I start posting as a 'newbie' ;-}

I am a 30+ year electronics guy and started out servicing computers like you see in old movies and long before there was such a thing as a PC and worked happily self employed building and fixing PC's when 'IBM Compatible' PC parts hit the market for decades.

With all the kids coming out of tech school as board swapping nincompoops that would work at minimum wage and everyone going to laptops, notebooks and cell phones anyway it was time for something new and fun to try so I started building motorized bicycles.

I live in sunny Phoenix, AZ, the 6th largest city in America where we have ~325 days a year of great bike riding weather and with Sheriff Joe busting thousands of people every year for DUI and taking away their drivers license a fertile market of people that need independent legal motorized transportation so I created KC's Kruisers and having a blast ;-}

Though I primarily build gas powered 'jackshafted' shifting motorized bicycles like these...



... I am doing shifting electrics now and figured I could get some idea's and share some of my knowledge here which is the point of forums right?

Anyway, Hi everyone and I'll share.

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