Update on my kaishan k500w

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Persona Non-Grata
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: Monday, October 5, 2009 - 00:31
Points: 75
Update on my kaishan k500w

My Kaishan k500w has long ago become a lawn ornament and needs to be sold, problem is that it is practically worthless. I need to upgrade it to something worth selling to get some of the money I spent on it back. I think I should upgrade it to a “low powered motorcycle”, which in B.C. Canada means less than 1500watts power over any number of motors, 3 or less wheels touching ground in use, legal blinkers headlights etc, pedals optional (removed in this case), and limited to a top speed of 70km/h powered. Essentially the only advantage that it would have over a full motorcycle is that the driver does not need a motorcycle license (classes 8 and 9), a class 5 (normal passenger vehicle) or better will suffice, and that only a motorcycle helmet is required instead of the full attire.
The controller is already toast, the motor will become spare parts for something else, the peripherals are mostly ok (may add extra running lights (amber) to cover pedal holes), cosmetically it is garbage but can be fixed/refinished (may need some help de-yellowing the headlights). The frame, shocks, and wheels are solid. Some rust on welds but can be sanded and repainted. These components and the brakes were purported to be of motorcycle/scooter quality. Electrically I want it to have regenerative braking through the motor, among other things. Mechanically I want it to have a continuously variable transmission just similar to a normal scooter. Any suggestions? How would any of this be done? Are there any kits that would make this conversion easier? Thank you.

Persona Non-Grata
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: Monday, October 5, 2009 - 00:31
Points: 75
Re: Update on my kaishan k500w

Additional info for people who are considering buying one in its original configuration Do Not do it unless you are looking for a project. It was poorly designed as a “bicycle”, and does not make up for that as a scooter unless you are in a flat area with a short commute.

With a hammer, a chisle can be made. With a hammer and chistle, files can be made. With hammer, chisle, and file anything else can be made.
Kaishan k500w retired, Merida TEV500 on indefinite sabbatical, currently using a Currie E-zip Trailz.

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 01:05
Points: 9
Re: Update on my kaishan k500w

Thanks for your nice post to teach us more in this field. After reading on here, we can learn more in this topic.

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