I tried to upload the software, but it just wont go because the first problem is the plug...
Is there something, a adaptor to make it fit?
Then the pc runs on windows 7.
I installed the 2013 64 version on it.
When i start the program i get the warning that the acces to the program is denied.
But it still loads and i can connect with the adapter.
The red led goes flashing.
On the 2013 version i first select vx1mi above for my battery.
vxni fw download is the place for the software update.
I first have to do the motor controller, it should be the forth from above.
But in this program i only have 3 tabs.
1 battery charger
2 motor controller
3 icm.
How to proceed then?
(Can't see the whole images as they are WAY too big - suggest you limit any other to no more than 1Mb in size)
You need a 9 pin D-sub female to female adaptor or cable such as http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-8M-1-8-METRE-9-PIN-D-SUB-FEMALE-TO-FEMALE-SERIAL-DATA-NULL-ZERO-MODEM-CABLE-/151383556663?pt=LH_Defa... or with some simple research on line, you can make your own, especially easy if you have 2 old cables that you can cannibalise - cut them in half (or whatever) and connect the wires that go to the 2 female plugs accordingly.
You really should read the original threads on this as all the information you need will be found there - including the alternative drivers you need from PEAK as the ones you get with the cable do not work. The 3 main posts of note are found here - suggest you read them...http://visforvoltage.org/book/ev-collaborative-hand-books/13373 MW
Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland
This should help.
You need a cable, as mentioned above. Can't connect the PEAK adapter directly to the bike.
all I am from Spain
I'm New Here I have a vx1 Vectrix ni- mh September 2010 in plate making
I find the last firmnwares
scooterdiag software and if someone had begged me command them by email
I wanted to update my bike to the latest versions
Yor can make it yorself
If the above diagram is correct then the cable mentioned earlier is probably not the right one:
Should it be a straight pin to pin or the crossover (Null Modem) cable?
Could we please clarify this before someone wastes time and money on what appears to be an incorrect cable?
You need a direct connection of pins 2,7, and 5. No crossover. 2 is CAN low, 7 is CAN high and 5 is GND. And you do not need any resistors. The CAN on the VX1 is fully terminated already.
So does this mean that both of the above leads wrong?
Is it definitely pins 2, 5 and 7 not 2,3 and 7?
I've created a diagram as per your description, but I'm still not 100% sure that it is correct:
I would be grateful if you could you confirm whether or not this diagram is actually correct.
Am I correct in thinking that it wouldn't matter if all 9 pins were directly connected through the cable?
My bad...you are right. 5 is the shield. Pin 3 in the glove box is GND. Also, pin 9 is +5V. Sorry for the mis-info.
And yeah, you could hook up all 9.
Hopefully this is now correct:
Here are the connection details for the PCAN-USB adapter shown on the peak-systems.com website:
Pin Pin assignment
1 Not connected / optional +5V
4 Not connected
5 Not connected
8 Not connected
9 Not connected / optional +5V