Simple (and CHEAP) EV to CAN bus Adaptor

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Simple (and CHEAP) EV to CAN bus Adaptor


I'd like to integrate an OVMS (open vehicle monitoring system - module into an EV that does not have CAN bus. Normally, the OVMS monitors an EV's systems by tapping into its CAN bus and allows you to access the data over a smart phone using an app using GSM. The OVMS module, itself, then adds GPS location, speed and direction data.

Obviously, if your EV doesn't have a CAN bus, it is not going to work. So, what I am after is an adaptor that would have various configurable inputs - voltage, temperature, on/off etc - that would generate a CAN bus signal that the OVMS module could just plug into. Ideally, some way of detecting state of charge would be good but I guess that is going to be very BMS specific. I am leaning toward using the 'Mini BMS' due to its low cost.

Perhaps the simplest solution would be to pick a BMS with a serial data output and have an adaptor that could convert that serial data into a CAN bus format that could be read by the OVMS module? MW

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 - 04:52
Points: 136
Re: Simple (and CHEAP) EV to CAN bus Adaptor

Hi Martin,

I can read/write CAN bus data from to the Vectrix with my little 'magic box' so i can also generate CAN bus data based on some sensor information if you want.

what do you exactly need ?



My contribution to EV in The Netherlands
- Novox C20
- Vectrix VX-1 Li+ my2009 #2791
- Vectrix VX-1 Li my2011 #3228
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Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Monday, March 26, 2012 - 05:48
Points: 244
Re: Simple (and CHEAP) EV to CAN bus Adaptor

Hi Paul,

I guess what you offer will be needed at some point but it's the hardware side of things I am thinking about at the moment. Any ideas on that? The OVMS module just plugs into the vehicles ODB port - obviously it has to be programmed to look for the relevant codes on the EVs can bus... and that is where you might come in! MW

Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 - 04:52
Points: 136
Re: Simple (and CHEAP) EV to CAN bus Adaptor

what sensordata do you want to readout from the vehicle ?
What type of vehicle is it ?

My contribution to EV in The Netherlands
- Novox C20
- Vectrix VX-1 Li+ my2009 #2791
- Vectrix VX-1 Li my2011 #3228
- CityEl Fact4 / Mini El Cabrio
- Th!nk PIV4 A266
- Th!nk City A306
- Tesla Model3 AWD

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