Problem - not sure where it is from

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Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 - 15:03
Points: 141
Problem - not sure where it is from

Well I have an issue - at times disabling...periodically I get large fluctuations in the voltage display on the speedo (Lairds Software). When it drops to below 100V the bike obviously stops. Then it comes back and all is good for a while. When this is happening, when regenerating the voltage can go over 150V and then just as quickly under acceleration go below 100V.

This issue started when I abruptly cut the "cruise control" one day. I reset the plugs under the front fender and that seemed to fix things but it still happens periodically.

So I cannot work out if it a MC problem or a cell that is shot? I still have Ni Hy cells and nearly 40K km. Have not been here for a while - happy to see a few old faces....


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