Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

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Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

I bought a few months ago a VX1 with 1700km and a nickel battery that gave me an autonomy of about 50 / 60km.
Although not bad for a 2008 bike, I needed more.
So I decided to put three modified Tesla modules to 12S to get a 36S37P configuration.
I hope you enjoy the post.

These are the modules received from Netherlands.
The modules arrive in 6S74P configuration.
So you have to change them to 12S37P.
I have to thank Comrade Boekel who helped me with the route of cutting the modules.

After the modification you have to make a bridge.
In my case I chose to weld a 0.30mm copper plate, because the hole is so fair that the screws would take away space.
For soldering in aluminum I used a flux:
And a good 350w welder.
The heat was not a problem for the battery, the welding is fast and the separation between the sheet and the cells is sufficient.

Once modified and with an insulation of 1mm of fiberglass epoxy are left at 75.5mm, that is 4mm of margin to enter the warehouse.






At the moment I go without bms and with esd charger.
The stability of the cells is so great that I only need to monitor them with a cell log.

Soon I will install some power supplies to charge about 6.6kw

Now the autonomy is between 180 / 250km depending on the speed.
Worry about the amount of energy available to go missing and is more fun.
Also the battery weight is 15 kg less than the original nickel battery.
I hope you like it and I'll be happy to answer your questions.
A greeting.


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Re: Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

Very nice, keep us posted.

Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Re: Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

Hi - very nice job - I have managed to salvage again my NiHy batteries which should do me for a while - but this is the solution (or similar to) that I would like to adopt. Did you get the cells directly from Tesla? What is the cost of this solution approx?

Many thanks,


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Re: Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

WOW! That is the most complex butchering mod to Tesla cell modules I have seen to date - not for the faint of heart! And it took a fair amount of deliberation on how to go about this in the most efficient manner. Thanks for posting!

I have some questions though: apparently you milled the breaks in the existing current collectors? How much vertical space is there between current collector and actual cells below? I.e. how high was the risk of damaging cells while you made the breaks? And how did you ensure no metal chips would fall among the cells in the pack while making the breaks?

And you definitely have to be careful as hell to not cause any inadvertant shorts during this whole process, which is particularly visible by your generous use of insulation tape, around the copper plate for instance.

What I am not so sure about is no use of a BMS with these high-power cells, as they are rather prone to thermal events at the ends of their state of charge.

My rides:
2017 Zero S ZF6.5 11kW, erider Thunder 5kW

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Re: Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules


Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 06:01
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Re: Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

WOW! That is the most complex butchering mod to Tesla cell modules I have seen to date - not for the faint of heart! And it took a fair amount of deliberation on how to go about this in the most efficient manner. Thanks for posting!

I have some questions though: apparently you milled the breaks in the existing current collectors? How much vertical space is there between current collector and actual cells below? I.e. how high was the risk of damaging cells while you made the breaks? And how did you ensure no metal chips would fall among the cells in the pack while making the breaks?

And you definitely have to be careful as hell to not cause any inadvertant shorts during this whole process, which is particularly visible by your generous use of insulation tape, around the copper plate for instance.

What I am not so sure about is no use of a BMS with these high-power cells, as they are rather prone to thermal events at the ends of their state of charge.

Hi, the vertical space from the bottom of the aluminum to the cells, are several mm.
I do not remember the exact measurement now, but if you do it carefully, you should not have problems.
The chips do not reach the cells, because the whole battery is covered with tape.
Also beneath the aluminum is a generous amount of resin that prevents the chips from coming into contact with the cells.
You have to use a vacuum cleaner to remove some chips from the cut channels.
As for the bms, you are right and it is a bottleneck, seeing how stable the cells are, surely dispensed with it.
A greeting.

Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 06:01
Points: 20
Re: Conversion Vectrix VX1 with tesla modules

Hi - very nice job - I have managed to salvage again my NiHy batteries which should do me for a while - but this is the solution (or similar to) that I would like to adopt. Did you get the cells directly from Tesla? What is the cost of this solution approx?

Many thanks,


Hi, modules can not be purchased from Tesla.
You have to get them in the second hand market.
In my case I got them in the section of sale of used products of a forum of electric vehicles.
The cost for three modules is around € 3000 unchanged.
If you want to buy modified, it would be about € 1000 more.

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