What epoxy would you recommend for loose magnet repair?

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Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 - 06:26
Points: 11
What epoxy would you recommend for loose magnet repair?

I don't have a separate work area; this will be done inside my home so preferably not toxic while curing. Was thinking of 3M DP420 but haven't used it before. Any suggestions?

Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 15:49
Points: 500
Re: What epoxy would you recommend for loose magnet repair?

I am not particularly fond of any chemical drying or curing process including Emron type paints (epoxy) but I still use them. So if I was going to use a messy "glue" , I would like it to be strong and last forever. Most brands of "Plastic Steel" type epoxy strong glues like Devcon and JB Weld. I stay away from instant epoxies for it always seem to be sticky after days weeks and months.
A good hard millable plastic steel Devcon or JB Weld seem to work best for me and on top of that Devcon gets wetter and flowable at 30 to 40 degree C and 5 minutes later it is hard, smooth, drivable, millable. It will cure wicked fast and then be hard. It is like Emmron paint in that it can be thinned out with Lacquer thinner also to a certain degree. No flame or heat since Lacquer, MEK, Acetone and alcohol is extremely flammable . Being that you mention magnets, use the Devcon brand plastic steel epoxy and little warmth to make it flow better. Not too hot for it will cure rather fast at 140 to 150 degree F. Real fast. If it does cure too fast, then sand it or mill it to get to magnet. Wear gloves. Getting excess glue / epoxy off ones fingers once cured requires finesse with a belt sander. Ouch! Even if you use thinners to thin out epoxy it will still cure before evaporation take place so work it lightly and experiment on a small scale. I used that technique for mount sensors in my EV truck. Let me know how you find this and what brands you have tried. Also don't get magnets too hot also for even ALINCO magnets can fail at high temperatures.


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