End of the road.

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elevatorguy's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 12, 2012 - 20:13
Points: 87
End of the road.

I have decided to sell both of my vectix VX1.
I lost a battery pack in my conversion due to unknown discharge and I am not prepared to retrofit another battery.
I wish to thank everyone on the forum for tricks, techniques and help on the VX, The help and ideas really helped in the conversion.
If anyone is interested in either of the bikes, let me know. I will be getting pictures up and listing for sale as soon as I am able.

Thanks All,


Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, July 1, 2008 - 16:41
Points: 34
Re: End of the road.

I lost my first Lithium pack when my charger died. Didn't know the charger failing would cause leakage current to pull the batteries below their recovery point. Cost me $$ but my replacement pack has been working well. I removed the original charger. Then just use a DC power supply in the back to charge directly. With current and voltage limited to assure no over-charge. I'm using 72 cell system 2x 36S packs with custom battery monitoring. Where are your bikes located?

elevatorguy's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 12, 2012 - 20:13
Points: 87
Re: End of the road.

I have had enough time to remove the batteries, but not get them out to take pictures.
I am located just west of Indianapolis Indiana, about 15 miles from Indy 500 track.
If anyone is interested, I will make a very motivated sale of one or both bikes due to work situation.
I think the mileage is less than 1000 on silver bike, and sub 2000 on blue bike.

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