Conversion strategy

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Conversion strategy


I used to frequent this forum a few years back, but haven't followed the group in a few years.

I have an '07 VX-1 that I purchased new in '08. I used it for commuting for a few years and put 9000 miles on it. After several years the pack degraded, and in 2014 I decided it was time to find and replace bad cells. I pulled out the pack and found three bad cells. At that point I decided it may be better to put the energy into a Lithium upgrade instead, and started to pursue that.

And then life got busy and the bike sat disemboweled in my garage for seven years.

I would like to get the bike running again. I don't need it as a daily commuter, but it would be fun to have to ride around in again. 50 mile range at 50 mph would be nice, but not required. I still see people performing Lithium conversions; thanks to everyone for all of the great knowledge on here! Using Leaf batteries seems like a fairly easy and well known approach, as long as the cells are not too old. I have a 2012 Leaf myself which is fairly degraded, and I guess any Leaf packs more than a few years old may not be worth the effort. I see used Gen 2 Leaf modules go for about $100 online, but don't know how old these are. I also see recommendations such as from antiscab to use newer tech like Samsung SDI cell; not sure how much more this would run.

Given the above,

Would you have any recommendation on cell types?
If using Leaf cells, do you recommend 18 or 19 modules? (I did use regen heavily)
Any recommended battery suppliers?

I'm in the Washington, DC area. If anyone nearby is performing or has done a conversion please let me know.


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Re: Conversion strategy

On the 18 vs 19 question I understand that others have mentioned problems with regen when the battery is full. I am using the, now free, Dugas software and you can set what level the regen peters out at. I put 19 on mine and set the voltage to top out at 155 instead of the 160 you can get from 19 cells. I could get a tad more range if I set it higher but if the batteries get out of sync I don't wanna overcharge any single cell.

I don't know if anyone has tried it, but it seems like you could fit 20 Nissan cells, the gen 1's anyway. I may try 20 cells if and when I upgrade my other bike. I would also be interested in trying gen 2 cells this time.

I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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Re: Conversion strategy

Hi NullPointer. I live nearby and would be happy to discuss. Feel free to drop me a direct message. In general, though, I use 19 gen2 LEAF modules and am still using Team Laird's firmware. I plan to switch to Dugas firmware, but have some other tweaks and upgrades to make and will likely do everything at once.

I have leftover NiMH cells from my conversion that you are welcome to use it you just want to get back on the road with minimal cost.

2007 Vectrix VX-1 (19 gen2 Leaf modules, ESD charger) -- SOLD
2013 Nissan Leaf SV

Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - 19:06
Points: 23
Re: Conversion strategy

Thanks all. israndy, yes, more cells does sound preferable if you can moderate top voltage and regen as you describe.

Kevin_in_VA, thanks for the offer for NiMH cells, but I think at this point I would look to do an Li conversion. My NiMH pack has been sitting for years so I don't think those cells are good anymore anyway. Will touch base over DM.


Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - 19:06
Points: 23
Re: Conversion strategy

Any opinion on these Leaf cells? Gen2, 70% capacity. $90 per module, shipped, from TechDirectClub through ebay. I wonder how old the modules are.

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Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 08:53
Points: 312
Re: Conversion strategy

That's who I got my cells from, I got Gen1s but with shipping I only paid $950. Perhaps it was the lockdown that caused the price to fall that far, who knows. They work great, but I was always curious how well the Gen2s would do.

I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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