Have you confirmed your still on the Z-20 Waiting List? Maybe you should before September 30, 2007

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Gman's picture
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Have you confirmed your still on the Z-20 Waiting List? Maybe you should before September 30, 2007

Have you confirmed your still on the Z-20 Waiting List? Maybe you should before September 30, 2007

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` :O
FWIW, I signed up for the Z-20 Waiting List over a year ago and received a email containing this from them ----- Original Message -----

From: Andres Pruna
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:30 PM
Subject: News from EVTAMERICA

You are receiving this email from EVTAMERICA because you are registered on the Z-20 Waiting List Registration subscribed on our website. To ensure that you continue to receive emails from us, add info [at] evtamerica.com to your address book today. If you haven't done so already, click to confirm your interest in receiving email campaigns from us. To no longer receive our emails, click to unsubscribe.

I received a reply from Fernando to another email where I asked a question he answered for me, and another one where he stated he couldn't locate me on there Waiting List. I told him I had signed up some time ago. and sent him a copy of the above email header.
I have a total of 11 emails from them including the 2 Season's Greetings from EVTAMERICA, I assumed I was still on the Z-20 Waiting List. Well we know all know what assume means, and It seems it would have happen here had it not been for the curiosity of Fernando wondering why I wasn't on the Z-20 Waiting List.
If your suppose to be on the Z-20 Waiting list, I suggest you get a confirmation from them that you are on the Z-20 Waiting List and save the Email. To be on the safe side I plan to reregister again before September 30, 2007.

Peace Out,

davew's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
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Re: Have you confirmed your still on the Z-20 Waiting List? Mayb

Too cold to ride much between November (when they might show up) and then anyhow.

Hark! Is that the plaintive warble of the pink-sided wussy bird I hear? :-) Give up riding in winter? Nonsense! I ride through the Colorado winter. The biggest problem is lack of light. My work place is nice and lets me put in more hours at home during the winter so I can do most of my commuting while the cars can still see me and while I can still see the ice. Escooters are actually fairly good on the slick. The low center of gravity keeps them pretty stable and the step-through design makes for a rapid and easy exit should it become necessary -- which hasn't happened yet -- touch wood. Just never, ever try to turn on ice. Your brain won't even have time to ask "Wha?"

The Emax lost a bit of range, but oddly enough, gained a bit of speed in the 20F - 30F zone. My longest trip between charges was 6 miles so the range was never an issue. Below 20F or so and I prefer a bicycle. Staying warm and avoiding ice are easier on a bike and I don't have to deal with helmet fog. There are maybe 15 days or so each winter where the temperature fails to crack 20F so it's not a big deal.

My main point on this forum is to learn and share about electric transportation. If we scuttle back to our stinking gassers in the winter months then we still have part of the problem unsolved.

As to the rest of it early adopters always run a risk. I don't see anything about the Z-20 that makes it a worse or better proposition than others. It might be a slightly worse time to buy a SLA-based scooter because of impending new battery technologies. My opinion is that lithium-anything is going to be at a very different price point for the foreseeable future so the SLA scooters will hold their value as well as they ever have. It really takes a year or two for the major problems to shake out on a bike and longer than that for the more subtle problems to emerge. Based on this the XM-2000, the Zapino, and the Z-20 all have a bit of time on their newbie clocks.

The other thing to consider is the company stands behind the product. This is why I read with great interest your and other's responses to customer issues. There will always problems with mechanical things and how they get resolved is very informative.

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