24v trike with gen / charger & maybe Regulator?

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24v trike with gen / charger & maybe Regulator?

I'm legally blind and can ride a bike good, but I need some long distance transportation that doesn't require a shower after a few blocks :)
I found a 24v trike. It uses a 750w motor, etc...
I found a Honda 1000 gen inverter to run a dual pro 30 amp charger & batteries to handle that kind of charge...

My question / concern. I want to charge while I run.
do I need a voltage regulator for my controller?

Battery operation is 24v, but if being charged, it could rise up to 30v... ???



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Re: 24v trike with gen / charger & maybe Regulator?

Welcome to our V is for Voltage Community, what is the link to the Raptor site http://www.raptortrikes.com ?

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Re: 24v trike with gen / charger & maybe Regulator?


I'm helping admin their board...

I can save you $100 off the retail price, let me know...

I managed to find a 24v regulator, acdelco, inexpensive enough, but it's only 22 amps.
My calculations, for a 24v 750watt motor needs about 32 amps...


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Re: 24v trike with gen / charger & maybe Regulator?

A 750w motor will not take 750w all the time when you are riding. It will probably be a bit more during acceleration, and quite a bit less cruising, depending on speed, gearing, hills, etc.

A 24v controller will have no problem with 30v, so I wouldn't worry about a regulator. The charger(s) will regulate the current to the batteries. I think you could run the generator while riding.

With that setup, you should be able to ride till your butt hurts.

Now, if you want to go green, you might be able to run the generator on ethanol. I'm not sure about that particular model, but many small ICE's have a mixture adjustment screw on the carburetor that should allow decent performance on ethanol.

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