Anyone been to this show?
I'm thinking of making a trip down there, but it's conflicting with my race schedule.
If it's worth it, I might just skip out early on the race and head down to Santa Monica.
Which is 5-6 hours away.
Sorry, but that's the same weekend as the Bioneers Conference and I'm planning to go there.
But.. on my way home it occurred to me that's an opportunity for some serious outreach for this website, and that would clearly be an interesting event as well. Hurm.. decisions..decisions..
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe,,, What is Reiki
I plan to go and would love to meet up with any of the knowledgeable people of this forum who is also going.
FalconEV is listed among the exhibitors and I will report my impressions.
I'll also report back on the Volta/The Electric Vehicle Company/
Thanks, looking forward to reading your report.
Darn - I'd like to go - but I don't have enough frequent flier miles... ;-)
To those attending - it would be great if you'd file as many reports as you can stand. If we can't make it personally then some independent points of view will be great to hear.
John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.
Hope we get to read about the Volta AND the bioneers conference. I heard the "seeds of change" guy on the radio a few weeks ago and was very impressed.
Well, getting ready to drive down there later tonight.
I'll be sure to file a full report when I get back.
Bringing my DSLR to take some pics too.
2007 AltCar Expo
Experience the totally electric alternative.
See the innovative new all-electric Vectrix Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) at the 2007 AltCar Expo and discover high performance without gas, oil, or compromise.
Free test rides available throughout the event.*
2007 AltCar Expo:
Place: The Barker Hangar
Santa Monica Air Center
3021 Airport Avenue
Suite 203
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Date: Fri. & Sat., October 19 & 20, 2007
Time: 10 AM – 5:30 PM
Free Admission.
Visit for details.
Click Here for Directions
Don’t miss this opportunity to test ride a Vectrix and experience the revolution in transportation, firsthand.*
Powerful and fast with a top speed of 62 mph.
Environmentally friendly with zero emissions, no need for oil or gas, and virtually silent operation.
Cost-efficient at less than 1¢ per mile to operate. The on-board batteries have an estimated lifespan of 10 years (based on 5,000 miles per year operation).
Extended range of 40-60 miles on a single charge, thanks to our unique regenerative-braking technology.**
Superior handling thanks to a low center of gravity, stiff frame and even distribution.
Feel the electricity…
The revolution in personal transportation has begun. Don’t miss your opportunity to experience the excitement of Vectrix.
Find out more about the Vectrix ZEV at
Contact Vectrix California to set up an appointment for a personal demonstration and test ride.
Visit or call 415.776.7700 for more information.
*Riders must show a Class M motorcycle driver’s license to test ride alone. Others will be given test rides with a licensed Vectrix rider.
**Range may vary based on riding conditions.
Deafscooter be there and look some thing new ev expo in santa monica
Hi Guys/Girls:
Posting from hotel room thru broadband wireless:
I loaded a forum software on my site, before I left for the show.
The Event report is there with a few pictures.
Please register and give me some feedback on the events.
Here's the link:
Thanks and enjoy
Deafscooter went to Alt Expo also Craig enjoy ride this brand new Vectrix electric scooter
they let me use vectrix on real Street & fast what i can speed up & 10 miles logged on it
There many Ev Car , Hybrid Vehciles, E Scooter , Segway , Racing Cars on display too
Craig Uyeda
Here's the brochure for the Volta, with specs.
Mainly they offer 3 motors: 11hp, 21hp, and 34hp.
One of the 3 motors sticks out under the scooter and drives wheel by chain or belt.
But the bike is very large in size...truely a maxi scooter.
They say it will be available in 1st qtr 2008.
Here're photos of volta:

Other things I did at the Expo:
1) I met Craig (deafscooter) and had good discussion furiously writing. Craig is truly talented and knows about all aspects of ev's.
2) I also rode the Vectrix, but no fair, Craig! they only let me drive in the parking lot, and I even have M1 license!
3) I drove the Miles 5 door hatchback, which they said is a 2002 Daihatsu body/chasis made in China and electrified. It was programmed to 35mph and it was able to go up a small hill at it was better performance than my old GEM 4 seater. I think it was because of the AC motor and Curtis controller.
3.1) I also drove the Miles truck and it was still programmed to 25mph and drove entirely different...not just top speed, acceleration was much lacking as well.
3.2) I found out that Miles is headquartered right in SantaMonica...I'll be visiting them in future.
4) I met Allen and Andy of FalconEV. They are very nice people and we even had dinner together. Why do I say they are nice? Allen knows every part of his scooters and how to fix problems. Andy says the reason he doesn't have a "buy now" button or shopping cart on his site is because he wants to talk to the customer to make sure he knows what he's educate the customer so he's getting what he really needs and will be satisfied with the purchase.
5) I also met Zane of Skeuter...and found out he's headquartered right in Culver City...I will be visiting them in the future also.
Thanks to everyone for the excellent reporting and pictures, maybe this will quite the vapor ware skeptics. Wish I could have been there.
Seeing Volta in person means it's not vapor, but it still doens't mean it will get into the production stage in the timeframe we hope for.
I have a video of my recent test ride on the Vectrix at the ALTCAR EXPO and wonder if it could be posted here...webmaster, what's your vibe on this??
Thanks for the Volta pics and info. I am guessing that they weren't doing rides a la Vectrix. Not being any kind of expert I can't tell if their machine is a decent set up. It's pretty big! I see the chain there. The motor casing doesn't fill me with confidence but like I said, what do I know.
I had asked the owner over at Volta for a testride and this gentleman tells me: "we did not bring the bikes out early so now we can't bring them out anymore..." and proceeded to add "...why would you be want to restricted to 10 mpH?"
So I made him aware of the fact that Vectrix even let me out on the street and take it up to almost full speed...
The Volta looks very much like your basic chinese design, this motor stickin' out of the side and the chain drive is communicating to me:" Don't touch - or buy!" I'm convinced this thing is going to be loud!
Lousy paintjob, i.m.o. barely even lika!
Thanks for all the reports and pictures.
Volta High Performance Electric Motorcycle Debuts at AltCar Expo.
Though Vectrix is out in the market today, it's far from perfect. A few fact's first: * Max range is only 30 to 40 miles per charge *Weisght 525 lbs, HEAVY! * Severe software issues, causes bike to shut off a lot after driving only 10 miles. * Vectrix is ruin by a bunch of ex-sailmen that don't know anything about the 2 wheel world *- Actual charge time is over 3 hours *$12,000 total price (taxes, prep, delievery and such).
Folks. Vectrix went through a lot of hard work and they were very lucky in gaining moeny to run their company. Vectrix finaly went public after 4 attempts and now they have monies to run their company; so when some new company comes along such as Evc, Llc which is run by a company composed of very experienced manufactures, unlike Vectrix, so give them a break and give Evc a chance to prove themselves. It's important we look to other companies to bring in better product, to get their funding, technology in order if we as community are going to see any developments in the electric world.