Who are the mods and admins here, by name?
Who has multiple user names here?
Show us your true colours by posting something like this:
Gman(mod)/GeorgeJonesJr/GIII/Stleride shows Gman has four user names he can sign on with and is somehow a mod.
Come on, don't be shy - speak up! :)
Artic Fox,
I figured as much on the first 3, never could figure out the stleride, "Saint Louis Ride"
Well, whatever, I guess, it is His Forum, make the best of it or bail out. A lot of good people here.
I have to admit, I do have a grudge, a spat between gman and Reid Welch. It stems from the start of this forum, Reid left. It was a bad day for V is for Voltage.
I got over it. Reid was an excellent writer, interesting, hooked me on this forum. After Reid left and went to Endless Sphere, I followed, Reid was a very good writer, an interesting character, always coming up with out of the ordinary topics. In a year of being associated with e bike forums, I have never found someone of Reid's wit and talent. Reid has disappeared off of all the ebike forums, now. He's gone, I guess I blame gman. Look before you leap.
Without Reid, I never would have posted on a forum. I'd have never read a forum twice. But, Reid was so interesting, the topics He started, the replies to others, got ran off, by gman.
I was just about to post on the old V, the day it went down, had built the Raliegh, got a camera, took some pics, went to the old v forum, it was hacked, got nasty virus from that place.
The new V popped up, would'nt ya know, here was Reid, doing what He could, The guy got disbarred, for lack of a better word, by gman, for going on vacation without gmans approval.
This pissed off, a strong word for me, a lot of people. I've never had so many emails in my life.
I left here, went with the others. One day, out of the blue, months later, I thought, hmm, what's going on at the v is for voltage. Took a look. Wow, there's airborne building a bike. Oh, I remember, airborne was gonna put that motor on a "bike rack", had a cad drawing I do recall. Probably the first time I posted on a forum.
So I have some roots here, some disagreements, it is what it is.
So, where do we go from here, start your own forum? You have, I can't. Don't know how. Oh, I can build a battery pack, weld my own frame, tell you the inside workings of a motor better than most any engineer, rewind a motor, done it, for 20 years, long before I thought about e vehicles. ac, dc controllers, stepper motors, know more than most. I can program em too. Electronics, know the basics, just never was interested to learn it. Can I be of service here? I try to be. Some listen, some don't. Most negative responses I get, don't bother me. Gman, running off Reid Welch, well, I just gotta suck it in.
What are our options, email everyone like the last time, start our own forum? Not me. I'll just take the good with the bad.
Anyone ever hear from Reid, let me know.
Chas Stevenson here, a.k.a. ILBCNU.
You will note ILBCNU is no longer a moderator on this or any other site. I resigned as Moderator several weeks ago because I could not follow the direction George was taking the site. I hope we can all get past this and George will step down and pass the site to someone who can do a better job. I have tried to be helpful both as a moderator and as a member. I have several e-bikes/trikes and know a little something about the subject. I was a Captain and was told by George I was the Moderator Team Lead, however he did not follow the rules. He also asked me to be an alternate administrator, which I did as chas_stevenson. I am a webmaster in real life so I have the required knoledge. These are and have been the only 2 names I have used.
I worked very hard a spent a great deal of time here on V is for Voltage. I created the Tutorials, DownLoad Library, and helped write the TOS. I also wrote the Moderator Guidelines. This post may get deleted but I thought you all would like to see these guidelines. So here they are, NO sugar coating;

Moderator Guidelines
1. BE POLITE! At all times!
2. Let the little stuff slide.
3. As you are cruising around and see a post by a member that is having a problem using the site, reply to their post with help and teach them how to or point them to the HOW TO section that answers their problem.
4. DO NOT get delete happy! If you feel a post should be deleted, edit the post and set the post to unpublished, then confer by email, with other moderators before taking any action to delete the post. Once a consensus has been established the original moderator should be the person to take action unless otherwise instructed by the Moderator team. The best way to do this is to email to the Moderator Team. (e-mail address removed for this post)
5. Inappropriate Post – This is a post by a member, which in some way violates the TOS. This type of post should be reported by using the “Report Abuse” link. Be sure you place your reason and a copy of the section of the TOS you feel has been violated in the message section of the “Report Abuse” page.
6. When a member places a post in an inappropriate Board, via the members contact link, ask the member to please post in the appropriate Board in the future. Inform them that, as a service, their post will be moved to the appreciate Board for them. Send them the link to its new location so they don't have to go looking for it.
7. Flame wars are to be reported to the Moderator Team. If you know the parties and feel you can disarm the conflict feel free to do so but don’t get in the middle of it. Let the Captains be the bad guys. The Moderator Team should be the good guys and helpful.
8. Immediately remove any bad language, porn, or links to porn. This board has a 0 tolerance position where this type of information is concerned. A second offense will cause the account to be suspended.
a. Edit the post and delete the offending words.
b. Edit the post and remove any porn or links to porn. Note any file names so if the offending item is a graphic you can go to the users account, open their personal files and remove the porn their also.
c. Send the user a warning by email informing the user that a second offense will suspend their account. Be sure to copy the Moderator Team on this email.
9. If a member request you change the subject line of the post please explain this has causes problems in the past and our policy is we do not change the subject line on posts. Suggest the member create a new post with a corrected subject line.
10. The Moderator Team must be in agreement on the forum. No Moderator will post any negative information on the forum about any other member of the Moderator Team. When you have a problem take it to one of the Captains. The reason for having more than one Captain is so the Team members have another Captain to go to if you have a problem with a Captain.

Please remember these are NOT rules as the moderators were told these are guidelines and to try to follow them as best as you can. I know of 14 post that have been removed following the above guide lines and 3 which have been moved to a more proper forum. I do not feel these guidelines are followed by management (George) as management seems to do what ever they please.
Speaking out,
Chas S.
Hi All,
Thank You Chas!
I'm sure the Community truly appreciates some Communication and Openness about now.
Dave Brownscombe here a.k.a. VT-01. (also occasionally know as the infamous MB-1-E, flying tank builder ... :) )
VT-01 is also no longer a moderator here, I resigned this role recently.
I joined the "VTeam" in hopes that I could work toward bridging some of the widening gaps between management and the Community, including the moderator team.
Throughout my role as moderator here, I made an effort to bring people together and strive for consistency through open communication. When I hear great words spoken ... words like Democracy ... but see something entirely different happening, it's time for me to step up for the Community in voicing my dissatisfaction rather than standing idly by.
"I hope we can all get past this and George will step down and pass the site to someone who can do a better job."
I echo this sentiment and hope that we can get back some of the fine members that have already left.
Thank You Chas for setting up the Guidelines, the Turorials, the Download Library and the TOS ...
They are thoughtfully conceived and appreciated by many of us. I don't feel the documents as restricting, but management, lately, is choking the Community to a slow death. Let's get beyond this and move on to the OPEN, informative, free, fun site this has the potential to be.
My Voice,
Dave Brownscombe
Dave B
<a href="http://visforvoltage.org/book-page/996-mountain-bike-conversion-24v-3-4h... - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>
I appreciate your contributions to make this a great site!
Thanks a lot!
Hi, I'm David Herron, and I built this site. You guys wouldn't be having this conversation if I hadn't rolled up the sleeves and donated a lot of time to building this place. I go by 'Webmaster' whenever I have administrative stuff to take care of, and by 'reikiman' when I want to be one of the gang. Most of the time I'm 'reikiman'. If you want to know what 'reiki' is I've written a web site which explains it.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
I know that without David Herron all the other stuff which many people helped do and build for V is for Voltage would be nothing. I thank David and support him.
Chas S.
Updated investigative information;
<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
Thanks for all you do David Herron!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, without you we wouldn't be here.
In your honor I post this pick and declare this International Lectra Day. (p.s. Top Secret ... David's Lectra is about to roll out of garage and on to the road ...) Good luck David, keep us posted on how she rides.
So about 30 miles of riding at 30 mph, top end speed of 40? (Depending on conditions)
Dave B
<a href="http://visforvoltage.org/book-page/996-mountain-bike-conversion-24v-3-4h... - Bridgestone MB-1 Mountain Bike</a>
"ehem" Hello all I am new to the site :) I am just learning about
EV's and find it quite interesting.
I mostly know more about the combustible engine, so I am interested to learn more about EV's!
David YOU have an awesome site, thank you for sharing it with me
See ya later!
Lisa ~
Davew here AKA Elrod. There is discussion amongst the mods for more transparency. In the future I will always make it clear that both accounts belong to the same person. I see the usefulness of two accounts to keep my personal opinions separate from team stuff. (Usually the team stuff has more discussion and forethought behind it.)
With respect to GMan, he does have quite a few aliases, but GIII is not one of them.
With respect to David Herron, I've said it before, but not this week. We do owe him a huge debt for his time, resources, and level-headedness. Thanks, David!
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"
So you're the one telling me to "Stop the nonsense with fake logins"? You, yourself with more than one login?
Nice. What is your problem?
Maybe it would be a good idea for someone to post all names associated with all mods/admins. Let's get this all out and taken care of so this place can move on. I don't care what your real-life name is, just whatever aliases you people use here.
Also, please post any affiliations you have with any EV companies, like Gman > EVT. This is so everyone knows why you are bashing X-Treme (because you're selling EVT products on the side).
<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
You, yourself with more than one login? It's been policy in the moderation team to do all moderator activities using an account registered just for that purpose. That's why DaveW has Elrod (and a question for the audience is how many of you can identify where the name 'Elrod' comes from?).
There is a page linked from the Policies page that lists all accounts having moderator roles. You're probably aware of that page.. I suppose what you're asking for is to see the linkage between those moderator accounts and the "real" account of the moderator in question?
This is so everyone knows why you are bashing X-Treme (because you're selling EVT products on the side). It seems to me that you might be extra sensitive to criticism of the X-Treme product line because that's what you're selling. I appreciate you list this affiliation in your signature so that we know how to interpret what you're saying.
I think the best purpose for this site is for it to be a neutral ground where all vehicles and vehicle makers get an equal hearing. But that includes if a vehicle is junk (or excellent), that you can say so freely. I also think that certain people, such as dealers, clearly have a vested interest in pushing "their" vehicles over others. There is great value to having dealers on the board, because they tend to have more experience with the vehicles. There needs to be a balance between that and the clear vested interest they have.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
Well...I'm not sure I understand what kind of problems you all have been talking about...but it's new to me. But then I'm just another guy who stumbled on this forum cause I have electric scooters and I believe in electic powered vehicles.
Having said that...I only have one name here...have no interest in any company (government employee) and don't really understand alot about how these forums work...and am just glad to be able to get info here and share info.
Finally, ....regarding ArticFox. He (BaseStation Zero) sold me my Xtreme XB-600. I could not have asked for better customer service than he gave so three cheers for AF! I really like my XB-600 and I've had the best, top notch customer service experience directly from XTREME so three big cheers for them! And thanks to this website and the knowledgeable folks who post here I've learned more here than I ever could have learned about everything electric anywhere! So a final three cheers!!!!!
Hope you all can get along....I really appreciate everything.
Welcome and hope you can find everything ok, one very good source is our V is for Voltage Community Library.
We're always here to help at Forum Support if you ever need us.
V Moderator Team Member
Moderators are members of our very dedicated community volunteer <a href="http://visforvoltage.net/page/106-our-community-volunteers">V Team</a> who help keep our <a href="http://visforvoltage.net/page/251-poli
andrew here, aka Revolted.
I have no affiliations to any EV company.
Very well said.
I am glad David Herron put forth the time and effort to set this up. Thanks!
I'm also thankful to the other moderators for their time and effort.
I have no opinion on the current conflicts at hand. I will say that I have never modified or deleted any posts on this forum except my own. I will never do so without a clear explanation to the author and an explanation to the moderator team. My role as moderator is to disregard any bias and judge that the content conforms to the TOS.
I challenge members here to:
1. Remember that this is a service being provided to you.
2. Think about how the content you post may go against the TOS.
3. Think about how the moderators will interpret the content you post. You may need to contact a moderator ahead of time to make sure your content does not violate the TOS.
I will always remain open to criticism in regards to my actions as moderator. I will deal with any such criticism in an honesty, open, and professional manner.
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
jdh2550_1 here - all relevant info in my signature (which kind of started some of this whole spat).
Until the owner of the domain stands up to be counted with the rest of us I'm not sure there's much validity hiding behind a Terms Of Service agreement that protects the value of his domain. Each time anyone of us posts something worthwhile we simply increase the value of George Jones' domain name - in the meantime he doesn't seem to have any interest in giving back to us by openly communicating with those members who appear to have a legitimate complaint. Instead he continues to post as GMan as if nothing has happened.
Why don't you help the situation by clearly stating your affiliations and committing to using one name for all your posts? Several long time and respected members of the community are also concerned with your actions with regard to this forum. Why will you not address the situation?
I encourage you to consider moving this forum content to another domain. Unless George will take some meaningful steps to openness. This would be a clean break with George - in effect you own the content not George. He simply owns the domain. Why not take the content to a new, green field and start afresh? You moved once before (albeit with similar name) - I have no issue with having both content and domain name owned by you (I've offered you a domain name and I've just registered what I think is a more suitable one http://EVSupport.net - it's yours if you want it). You've proved your openness and willingness to communicate. Moving everything means no one will lose anything - we all just have to learn a new name.
Think about it...
John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.
Count me in.
I was offered a moderator position by George way back when, but I soon realized I didn't have the time or mental energy to spare.
I'm now managing four university EE labs.
I don't come here often so I missed the shenanigans.
So I'm still around, just so little time.
Tim Brown
Wash. DC
I confess to a little sadness that no one answered this, but it is a rather obscure reference. It's a pretty good series right up to the point the author had a rather spectacular and very public flame-out. After that it pretty much started to stink (IMHO).
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"
It's a pretty good series right up to the point the author had a rather spectacular and very public flame-out. After that it pretty much started to stink (IMHO).
Well, if you mean the flameout around issue 55-70 or so.. yeah, that was a painful period, but I stuck it out until issue #200 but got totally pissed with that one and stopped reading then. And what's funny is nobody (probably) has a clue what we're talking about. And, hey, googling it won't help either... wow.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
The first time I saw the name Elrod I thought of the Jetson's but that was Elroy. ;)
I found these and thought you might want one as an avatar:

I like the first one. Of course people would just assume I couldn't spell. Not all that far from the truth, actually. I think I'll stick with this:
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"
"Anyone ever hear from Reid, let me know."
Hello Chuck and Charles and all. I just googled my own name and so came across this thread.
I quit this place because I wasn't enjoying the management style.
I went to Endless Sphere because it was a much easier format and a lot more laid back, that's all.
Besides, Michael had offered us his services (free) at the very same time as David took up the V-slack.
It was a duplication of efforts, and I was at the time amazed that Michael's offer was practically ignored.
So we got this place and a strange-to-us software platform that I never would grow to like very much.
Then, a few months after going to ES full time, I got sort of ill with a chronic but not dangerous condition--
and had to quit playing with ebikes, at least for a while.
So, being the dilettante that I am, I evaporated from Endless Sphere without a word. But I am OK.
To occupy my down-time (I write), I created a writers' forum that is running OK, and has no rules to speak of,
and it's absolutely free of cost and very easy to manage. I thought about the troubles we once had here;
I considered how convivial it was at ES by comparison. I knew what I wanted: a place where we could have a good time
as writers, poking each other's puny efforts, and hurt no-one.
To ensure that "my" place becomes no autocracy---I instantly gave the operating keys to a half-dozen other, trusted, known-to-me
people: all different in outlook and personality, but all of them are without tendency to grasp.
I don't like to grasp. To ensure that no-one can call FPR "Reid's site" I will soon cease to be a co-admin there.
Take a look at the portal page and at the index page and see how FREE a forum can be.
I'll be quitting that place in time--and probably get back to hacking my e-bike's remains back to life.
I run hot and cold but always sort of ADD: one passion at a time. Heh.
But I remember you all and I thank you for allowing me to poke in here for this particular purpose of answering Chuck directly.
No worries. Cheers, so long for now,
(anyone can make a forum of their own for free and it's soooo easy to do)
LinkOfHyrule (call me Link) present. Don't go by anything else. Kinda new. I'll be here a while though.
Are you going to eat that biscuit?
The author of this post isn't responsible for any injury, disability or dismemberment, death, financial loss, illness, addiction, hereditary disease, or any other undesirable consequence or general misfortune resulting from use of the "information" contai
Nice to hear you're OK Reid. We weren't sure what happened to you.
Stop by the other place and say hi to the kids sometime.
I miss your Sterling engine.