President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

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Jabari's picture
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President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

U Can Cause Change

"Today’s generation of young people holds more power than any generation before them to make a positive impact on the world. It is my hope that through CGI U we can harness this power to improve the lives of people around the globe and build a stronger future for us all."
- President Bill Clinton

Each year, the Clinton Global Initiative convenes a diverse group of world leaders to examine today's most pressing global challenges and transform that awareness into tangible commitments to action. While CGI has been very successful, President Clinton believes that efforts to address these pressing global challenges must include the next generation of leaders.

CGI U is a brand new initiative designed to engage college and university students on some of the most urgent issues facing the world today.

CGI U is a platform for action. For two days in early spring, President Clinton will host students, teachers and administrators from universities and colleges around the world and encourage all to make commitments on the issues that concern them the most.

Inaugural meeting of CGI UHosted by Tulane University

At the inaugural meeting of CGI U, hundreds of young people and university officials will come together, ready to make a positive difference. Building upon CGI’s mission to bring attention to areas with the greatest need, CGI U has chosen to launch in New Orleans, a city that witnessed both the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina and the national recovery efforts in the months that followed – a recovery that continues to this day.

Balance of article

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Re: President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

Thanks for posting the information, any idea on the cost to attend?

ArcticFox's picture
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Re: President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

LOL President Clinton?

Last time I woke up, George Bush was president. Please tell me it was just a bad, bad dream! :D

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davew's picture
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Re: President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

It is my hope that through CGI U we can harness this power to improve the lives of people around the globe and build a stronger future for us all.

Interesting idea. I like it. The trend in politics seems to be raise the generation you want to be in power in 20 years. It has worked before. All it takes is patience.

LOL President Clinton?

Yup. It's the proper term of address for anyone who has ever held the office. It must get a bit confusing around Kennebunkport with two Presidents Bush not to mention two Secret Service details.

"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

The trend in politics seems to be raise the generation you want to be in power in 20 years. It has worked before. All it takes is patience.

Hmmm, patience and politicians - isn't that a mix like oil and water? The trouble with US politics today (and probably yesterday too - but I wasn't an American then) is it devolves to the politics of opposition. If the other folks thought of it then it must be bad and if we thought of it then it's great (no questions asked). This in turn means that any policy that would take longer than 4 or 8 years to work is practically guaranteed to be overturned by the next ideologue that comes along.

The new trend seems to be "elder statesmen" who have "transcended" party politics and who happen to be rich and influential. Carter, Gore, Clinton - and to a lesser extent Bush Sr (when he's not reading CIA reports to help the Carlisle Group decide where to peddle their wares). It's kind of sad that these folks have to work independently of government to achieve longtime, worthwhile stuff (aside from the arms dealers - what would the world be without arms dealers, eh?)

However, aside from revolution I don't have a solution for partisan politics... ;-)
(hey, if anyone in the Bush administration is spying on this I was only joking about the revolution thing, OK? I don't want to end up a victim of "extraordinary rendition"!)

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
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Jabari's picture
Last seen: 16 years 12 months ago
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Re: President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

any idea on the cost to attend?

Not yet,trying to tie it in to the The Holy Cross Project or another Sustainable Building volunteer project in New Orleans.

Last seen: 17 years 5 days ago
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Re: President Clinton Announces New Initiative: CGI U

Jabari FYI,

September 14, 2007
Students, faculty will lend a hand in New Orleans

By Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. — More than two years after Hurricane Katrina struck a devastating blow, some areas of the southern United States are still struggling to rebuild. Next week, students and faculty from Southern Illinois University Carbondale's School of Architecture will help with recovery and rebuilding efforts in one of the hardest-hit areas of New Orleans.


Media Advisory

Reporters, camera crews and photographers are welcome to contact assistant professor Michael D. Brazley or associate professor Robert H. Swenson before the group leaves for New Orleans at the School of Architecture by calling 618/453-3734 or emailing mdbraz7 [at] or rswenson [at] While in New Orleans, Brazley may be reached at 618/559-5112.


Actually, SIUC has been involved with New Orleans prior to the hurricane. Architecture students in the senior ARC 451 Urban Design and Community Studio class were working on a master plan for the riverfront area in collaboration with a planning commission from the region. Then, Mother Nature changed everything.

Now, residents of the Holy Cross neighborhood and adjacent Lower Ninth Ward are trying to rebuild and SIUC students and faculty are continuing to lend their manpower and expertise. A group of 36 senior architecture students, accompanied by several faculty members, will be in New Orleans Sept. 19-23. Leading the effort are 11 students in the urban design studio class of Michael D. Brazley, assistant professor in the School of Architecture. Classes taught by Robert H. Swenson, associate professor, and Craig K. Anz, assistant professor, both with the School of Architecture, are going too. Other SIUC faculty and residents of Cairo, where Swenson's Urban Studio class is working this fall, will make the trip as well.

"On a smaller level, we'll be giving hands-on assistance helping people there install insulation in their homes," student Tommy Scott, from Plano, said.

In addition to installing radiant barrier insulation donated by the Alliance for Affordable Energy, they will work with local residents and planning groups to see how things have changed in the area since the storm and create plans to rejuvenate the area and its bayou.

Last year, students worked with the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association to complete some survey work to see exactly what exists on each parcel of land and drew up master plans for rebuilding. Now, they'll complete the historic Holy Cross area survey and revise the survey of the Lower Ninth Ward, which was under as much as 12 feet of floodwater when Katrina hit. They'll also present their plans to community members.

"Not much has happened except some cleanup in the last two years there," Swenson said. "There's been very little development."

In fact, Brazley said the Lower Ninth once had a population of about 20,000 people, but only about nine percent have returned since the hurricane.

Swenson said the Holy Cross neighborhood is a registered historic neighborhood and residents of the area believe it's "the one thing that potentially can really revitalize the area."

Read complete article here/a>

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