Update , Nov 15, 2007 - 4 PM
Here is Deafscooter Build the Wooden Crate for freight shipping
This Finished Limo Scooter to new Customer in new home place
The Cardboard not allowed for Carton over than 170 pound package
Now new Wooden Crate for Limo Scooter and i have wait for Inspection
before Put top of Crate then take to lifting to loading the Truck & away
Craig Uyeda
AnyQuestion --> Deafscooter [at] yahoo.com
Just curious where your customer for this scooter lives. Your woodworking skills are as good as your metal...nice crate!
Here is Crate is ready to shipping out on Friday ( there passed inspection by TSA )
My friend from TSA of Palmdale Airport came to visit my place to visual inspection
& He said need small opening door for peek inspection the crate without open box..
Here is Nice Wooden Crate with high quailty wood and more than 135 screw to secure
Crate size is Real Bigger and Heavy --> 57.5" x 17.0" x 26.0" ==> About 245 Pound
Craig Uyeda
I'm definitely not worried about the scooter arriving in one piece! Not the cheap cardboard like my x-900 came in! I can't wait!!!!!!
I live on the east coast and split my time between Philly and Boston ...
I'll give a big "thumbs up" when it passes over Louisville...rather through Louisville by truck, I'm guessing
Update saturday, Nov. 17, 2007 ( 9:00 AM )
The Crate Ride on Freight Train on Smooth all way to east coast for ten days to there
Train is more smooth ride "float the air" than Ground Truck Rough "bump" on road .!^X^#
Craig Uyeda
Excellent choice! The Leland will be all smiles when he steps on the scooter for the first time.