Whoops.. upgrade hosed front page

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Whoops.. upgrade hosed front page

I did a bit of upgrading this afternoon .. the site is now running on Drupal 5.4, a release that fixed a few security bugs. Additionally I added a few packages which appeared to be useful, but one of them contains a bug which prevented the front page from working. Other pages on the site were working, only the front page, and therefore I did not see the problem -- thanks to DaveW's sharper eyes he saw it and notified me.

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Re: Whoops.. upgrade hosed front page

That would explain why I had problems getting on all day. Only I had problems getting anywhere at all.

Then I realized for some reason I had typed "visforvoltage.com" into the address bar. LQTM :D!

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Saturday, January 27, 2007 - 15:14
Points: 148
Re: Whoops.. upgrade hosed front page

I couldnt get on all day as well!
Glad to see you got the front page glitch fixxed....

you IT guys, LoL always messing with the software, LOL

I just Re-laced my first spoked wheel! and it was trued by spinning it in my hand

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