Well, while I'm on the subject of figuring out my new trolling motor wiring on here...need a recommendation from you guys that know batteries.
In the past I used an Evercell battery, think that was the name, I got from Walmart that was described and labeled as a "trolling motor" battery. It cost about $34 and worked well. And it fit the small size battery box that I use behind the seat in my kayak. Anyway, Walmart no longer sells that battery and I can't find it anyplace else...thinking perhaps because that brand was made by someone else just for Walmart???
So, as I prepare for the upcoming Spring fishing season...I need, besides my new motor...to get a new battery. I really don't want to spend anymore than I have been for a battery...and it has to be the case size for the smaller battery box. I'd certainly take a "lighter" one cause the one I'd been using as described above which was the same size as a lawn tractor battery...was pretty heavy. But, nothing in size and weight like a regular car battery. I did try one of the bats (from my old 24v scoot) on my now broken 20 lb thrust motor and it only lasted for about 10-15 minutes of boat power. It seemed to be still in good shape and I think it was at most 10ah. Thought about using the other bat of the same in parallel since both would stack one on the other in the box...but never did.
So, I just need one good battery. Anybody got any recommendations. Think my new motor pulls maybe 40ish amps. I used a 30 amp fuse on the old one...and the manual on the new one says use 50 amp breaker...and since it's 30 lb thrust instead of 20 lb on the old one...obviously I'm going to need a bit more power if I want to keep the same running time/range. I'd settle for 30 minutes continuous power...but would like a bit more if possible...like 1 hour or more.
A few years ago Evercel (one 'l') made a Nickel-Zinc battery (NiZN) and got a lot of attention in the EV world as a possible savior in the neighborhood between NiCD (poison) NiMH (unattainable) and Lithium (expensive/explosive).. there were Evercel batteries sold in some of the Oxygen scooters (Lepton) and Evercel did sell a battery made for trolling use. They called it 'Evertroll'. However that company died and went out of business some time ago.
It sounds like your budget can only afford lead-acid marine batteries. Those are available anywhere.
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
Thanks guys. Case size...well, guess I can measure the case since I have the old battery or the battery box...but they only make, as far as I've seen, two battery boxes for batteries (boats). One is for a "standard" size like car battery size and the other is for the same size as a lawn tractor battery. It's that "lawn tractor" battery size...that's in virtually every lawn tractor made today. As long as it's the size of a lawn tractor battery or smaller...I'm good there.
Well, weight won't probably be a problem...it's just I'd prefer something lighter...again than a "lawn tractor" battery since that's what those "trolling motor" bats Walmart used to sell were like in comparable weight.
Thanks for your recommendation USATracy. How much does the SP27-12 cost?
I have two chargers already. One is a 2,6,10 as you describe just not that brand...can't recall the brand. Why is it that you only use the Vector brand charger?
Just one battery...northwest Florida.