Torn between LiFePO4 and DeWalt battery packs

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Torn between LiFePO4 and DeWalt battery packs


After reading many posts from members who use DeWalt packs, I'm becoming excited by their responses praising these packs. These packs have larger capacity and current rating as well as being lightweigt.

The LiFePO4 batteries have slightly lower capacity and only 2C current draw. I'm not sure how their weight compares to the DeWalt.

So which would you say would be a better option? My main aim is capacity for distance. The maximum space I have available is 150x90x285mm. With this in mind, the DeWalts look extremely appealing. Are there any advantages to the LiFePO4?


Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Re: Torn between LiFePO4 and DeWalt battery packs

The DeWalt packs that people are using for E-Bikes are in fact a type of LiFePO4 pack. The difference between them and typical LiFePO4 packs is that the DeWalt ones are designed for extremely quick current draw. If it's long range you're after, rather than quick discharge, save your money and go with a pack that gives more energy storage capacity for the same cost.

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Re: Torn between LiFePO4 and DeWalt battery packs

Indeed. The DeWalt packs ARE LiFePO4. They're just made with a very good manufacturing technique.

Are you thinking of the duct tape packs on eBay?

There are a notable number of owners over on Endless-Sphere. Jury is still out on their cycle life, but they seem to be the best you can get for the money. They've been bought (mostly) from PingPing. He's a pretty reputable seller (making custom packs, sending replacement BMS [for free even!], etc.). Anna and NewJourney are under scrutiny.

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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
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Re: Torn between LiFePO4 and DeWalt battery packs

Ok, now that I know that I am definately looking at LiFePO4 cells, who to buy from?

I have emailed PingPing asking for a quote, no response yet (4 days).

It doesn't look like A123Systems sells to individuals.

Being in South Africa, I can't use Paypal or eBay to buy the DeWalt packs. I have a friend in America who can buy them and then ship them to me. But then how do I pay him?

I could purchase from Yesa. But I don't know how I would pay them without Paypal.

I could find a DeWalt supplier here, but uncertain as to whether they would supply the packs to an individual. I've also read that the packs are expensive here.

I don't know whether to get a pack or individual cells. I'm making my own pack of 5 paralleled series string of 15 cells with a custom made BMS. I suppose the individual cells would be cheaper since I'm not buying a BMS and the packaging.

Gotta love 3rd world Africa,

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