I have a Giant LaFree 2002 Pedelec and I always read about the newest greatest bike. I picked up a Popular Mechanics and read about the Giant Twist Freedom DX. It looks like a nice bike, but it seems they stripped it down to make it lighter and go farther. It has a 250 watt motor and no special spot to secure and carry the battery.
The only downside I notice with my bike is it's overly heavy at 70 Lbs. I could strip it down and get liFe batteries, that would make it weight in at 50 Lbs. other than that what are the advantages of the newer bikes?
Probably nothing you couldn't do yourself. The usual: lighter frame, better batts, etc. Thing is most of them won't go faster than like 25mph. That and price.
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Newer battery technology (such as lithium iron phosphate) and brushless motor technology are two advantages to some new e-bike products.
A lof of the snazziest e-bike motors or batteries are only available if you buy as a motor-kit or a separate battery, (and install yourself).