Peak oil awareness groups

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Peak oil awareness groups

Some of y'all may be interested in the Peak Oil issue, and may want to do as I did this evening.

The Post Carbon Institute and its Relocalization Network has sponsorship of local peak oil study groups ...

If the other groups are like the one I just joined, Post Carbon Santa Clara Valley (aka Silicon Valley), well, let's just say that I think many of y'all would fit right in. I sure did.

Okay.. Peak Oil.. I'm putting together a handbook about it on so I'll link it from here eventually. Anyway, it's our future. It's a scientifically defined model that talks about resource depletion especially of oil but of almost any resource. The core problem is human society is fracked in the head about how to manage our resources correctly. Human society tends to, instead, use every resource into depletion and then move on to the next one. But the problem with oil is that once the world wide peak of oil production capacity is reached there is an inescapable problem - demand continues to rise and production will inevitably fall. That gap will be a problem which will lead to even more resource wars and a large crisis.

Okay, so, um, that's a little gloomy, sorry.

Anyway I think the purpose of the local groups is for local action & study to flourish and perhaps local solutions will develop.

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