Does anyone have any recommendations on replacement mirrors for the Zapino? I don't think that the stock mirrors provide a very good rear view. Maybe this has to do with the placement of the mirrors, but I was thinking that a different size/shape mirror might provide a better rear view.
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Someone has replaced their mirrors (may not have been a Zapino, but shouldn't matter) I think he bought Honda Scooter mirrors. They are round and stick out a little further.
Another source is here
Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech
Thanks for the link to Do you know if the Zapino stock mirrors are 10mm threads? Unfortunatly the mirror website does not give the mirror dimensions on the website. I found this to be the case on another website where I was looking at mirrors.
Steve Tanner
I do not remember as I havn't replaced mine. I thought they were 8mm. I had to tap out some poor threads on a few scooters for my dealer.
Robert Dudley
E-Scoot Tech
My Zapino mirrors fell part and I replaced them with Honda scooter mirrors. They stick out a little farther, so visibility is a bit better. Screwed right existing holes in then handlebars. Only available color is white (if that matters to you). Seem well made and should last longer than the cheap stock mirrors on the Zapino. Honda part #88210-GET-003, cost about $25.
Do you know what the thread size is for the Zapino mirrors? They are probably 8mm or 10mm. I did a Google search for the part number you listed but there were no results. If you purchased the mirrors on-line could you let me know the website?
Steve Tanner
The replacement is an 8mm, I believe. I bought them from a dealer, but a google search for "88210-GET-003" (including quotes so the match is exact) turned up this: