Maker Faire

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Buckeroo Bob
Buckeroo Bob's picture
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Maker Faire

Did anyone attend the Maker Faire in San Mateo that I read about in the New York times Science section? Looked pretty neat. Mentioned was an electric vehicle shaped like a giant cupcake...only in California! Maybe some other interesting "e" stuff too?

reikiman's picture
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Re: Maker Faire

I almost attended but felt that I had too much going on that weekend. Namely, I was preparing for a trade show the following week and had a presentation to make at the show.

Anyway.. the cupcakes are interesting vehicles. I saw them at the Stanford EV Rally 2(??) years ago.

Another interesting vehicle is made by this guy that lives down the street from me. He attends Burning Man every year and has made a couple vehicles for that. One is a three wheel EV motorcycle that looks like it came straight out of Mad Max the Road Warrior and indeed that was his design inspiration. It's basically an open flat frame with the only "motorcycle" part being a front fork. It has two rear wheels each driven by an etek, there's a large battery pack, and he has two large solar panels on it mounted on this pyramid that's mounted on the vehicle.

He also has another vehicle that isn't street legal and is a steel girder framed pyramid - the driver sits in a sort of swinging chair like you'd have as a porch swing, and there are solar panels mounted on it (I think).

According to the show agenda there was an area for electric motorcycles. If I'd thought about the show earlier I might have exhibited mine, but didn't do so. Next year, maybe.

LinkOfHyrule's picture
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Re: Maker Faire

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