what connectors do I use?

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Jesse Mount
Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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what connectors do I use?

I have a 36v 20ah lifpov battery and a 500watt motor. The battery just has crimp ready wires. The controller for the motor came with a three prong connection piece that is 240v 10amp. Would that work? or do I need something stronger?

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Re: what connectors do I use?

Yes that should be enough capacity. 240v 10a is 2400watts so to the extent that a rating for a connector is really about watts then you're okay. But I don't know fully what they're taking into account with the ratings on a connector.

10A is a little weak in terms of amperage. But the maker of your bicycle clearly meant for that connector to be used for that bicycle and to the extent that they designed it well (or not) the existing connector is meant to be sufficient for the bicycle. If the manufacturer designed it well, that is, some manufacturers have proved they are willing to sell vehicles with deficient components.

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