New PL350 - Stopped working - need help

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Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 06:09
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New PL350 - Stopped working - need help

I just installed the PL350 on my wife's mountain bike yesterday. It worked great until I recharged the battery. Now the console will not turn on - it is dead. The charger show a green light so it appears that the battery is charged. On the battery, there are two large post connections and four small connections. With the multimeter, there is no voltage between the two large connections. If I press and hold the on button on the controller it will display, but when I let the button go, it goes blank. Suggestions? I am in contact with the place I bought it from, unfortunately I bought it mail order (due to available problems locally) and I need to get this working for my wife as she has a recent health issue and cannot drive. Its for her sanity, mobility for independance and as a living aid. Any help would be appreciated.
Sincerely, Wes

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: Saturday, March 15, 2008 - 18:40
Points: 20
Re: New PL350 - Stopped working - need help

Hi Wes,

There is hope.

You need to do a battery test/reset. The link below shows you how, but first I must stress that you should be careful. Notice that the battery in the picture is upside down. Also, this test takes 10 minutes, during which time you have to be on hand to hear the beep sounds and do not try to connect anything. Just wait.

Here's the link - Read it twice:

Also, you have to follow the manual to the letter regarding charging the battery.

Turn everything off, connect charger to battery, turn on charger, don't play with the console during charging. Simple.

If all's well the red and amber lights will stay on, the fan will start, and it'll charge for a couple of hours. If there's a problem, the amber light will switch to green just as the fan starts and it won't charge. Mine often took a few tries, and they say it'll happen if the battery is too warm.

Anyway, good luck. I hope this is helpful.


Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 06:09
Points: 3
Re: New PL350 - Stopped working - need help

Thanks so much for the hope. Unfortunately I tried the process and the battery did not beep when I inserted the paperclip. Looks like the battery is defective.

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