Anyone used a ceiling fan motor for DIY push scooter?

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Anyone used a ceiling fan motor for DIY push scooter?

After remodeling our house, I have several cieling fan motors laying around. It occurred to me that these might give a push scooter wheel a decent spin. I know they are not made for torgue, but rather for speed, but not much to lose for the trying. Has it been done before?

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: Monday, January 8, 2007 - 19:31
Points: 67
Re: Anyone used a ceiling fan motor for DIY push scooter?

After remodeling our house, I have several cieling fan motors laying around. It occurred to me that these might give a push scooter wheel a decent spin. I know they are not made for torgue, but rather for speed, but not much to lose for the trying. Has it been done before?

I havent seen it. I have seen the universal motors from power tools used (drills, and saws) on scooters and bikes. I would supposed that to make it work that the windings for the fan motor must be rewound with a thinner guage and an AC controller used because I dont see brushes on a fan motor.

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