I just learned, in a VERY round about way from Tracy Ingram over at Nova Scooters that there's a modification that needs to be made to the Smart Spark Energy Systems BEQ-LA-5-100 before using it with the Greensaver SP27-12.
The trouble is rather than telling me the actual problem and his known solution he's decided to lay it down as a challenge for me to find out. All good fun, eh?
Anyway - AFAIK, the BEQ-LA-5-50 does not have this mystery issue and the BEQ-LA-5-100's aren't shipping for a good while yet. I have an email in to my vendor and will also follow up with SSES to find out the possible issue and it's resolution. If I had to guess then it would be something to do with the charging voltage of Silicone batteries being different than other lead acids.
Thanks go to Tracy for pointing this out. For those of you that have access to his forum (I don't) he has the info posted there.
OK - no issue. Apparently it was a trick question and I fell for it.
John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.