I have been setting up my battery business to included the sales of Lithium batteries 40 amp hours and larger, such as those that will come in the XM-3500. I have figured that one of these 40 amp Lithium cells has 12 grams of Lithium in it. As far as I can tell the exemption from sending these cells with out declaring it as Hazards Material limits it to a maximum of 8 grams. I was wondering if any one can tell me if they have send or received Lithium batteries this large and were they sent with special marking or Hazard Material Markings.
Erie Fisher
From what I've been searching, the >8gram/<25gram regulations apply to transport via aircraft. Ground shipments seem only to require prior approval from the shipping company.
I would contact FedEx for information:
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<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
What is the chemistry on the 3500li batteries?
After contacting Fedex today I was told that any shipment of lithium batteries containing more than 1 gram of Lithium will need to be shipped as hazardous material with a number 9 hazardous material label. Also the shipper must be certified to ship hazardous material. Of course this doesn't mean the the individual I talked to knew what he was talking about. Has any body received a shipment of Lithium batteries. Could you tell us if it had hazardous material markings on the packing.
Eric Fisher
When I received a container of Mountain Chen specials last year the Customs at Felixstow refused to open the container because one of the scoots had Lithium batteries,I had to pay £180 for it (the container) to be X-rayed.
There's a war going on between the clever and the stupid,I think we will win but the stupid have the advantage of numbers.
ERATO/E-RIDER not to bad but could do a lot better.