Another Scottish Shopping Centre is offering xutomers FREE recharge points for shoppers;
Any my Vectrix was the first to use it.... see the pictures!
Another Scottish Shopping Centre is offering xutomers FREE recharge points for shoppers;
Any my Vectrix was the first to use it.... see the pictures!
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You are the prettiest Raymond that I have ever seen!
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
That's on the limit of my range. It's 35 miles from my home.
Why does Edinburgh Council get there act together and get some charging points like Glasgow
I asked if they had some or were thinking of getting some, they just replied saying they could not help me.
Central Scotland
Mr Mik hasn't seen me on Monday morning!
Actually, Glasgow Council offer no recharging - it is still private enterprise, although the council MAY offer something in the future I got the same answer youy did from the Glasgow Roads department, 'there are no plans'.
However, I did here the Gyle Centre is looking into the Elektrobay, so this may well be of use to you, either as a staging post, or a destination on its own right. Also if you ride along the A8 to keep speeds down, with the St Enoch providing recharging, you've got got Glasgow within your grasp - so it's getting better!
- Raymond