Orphaned by Powerpackmotors, Ruprek needs help matching Kelly brushless controller to Tim's 1500 watt brushless motor.

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Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sunday, July 29, 2007 - 04:52
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Orphaned by Powerpackmotors, Ruprek needs help matching Kelly brushless controller to Tim's 1500 watt brushless motor.

Help! Tim has forsaken me! He won't return my e-mails and would not take nor return my call. I've commented on how much I love my motor and I've been real happy with it. Unfortunately, I went through 5 of Tims controllers testing higher and higher currents. Cooked everyone of them. I sent them to Bob MCree along with my money for repairs. Bob kept the money, and my controllers. So I start looking Kellys way. (I'm still looking for my buddy Bob, too!) My guess on why Tim won't communicated with me is this- I quoted an email he sent me regarding the switch to Kelly which he told me he had all the tests done on the 1500 motor and would forward them to me. That was the last correspondence he sent. I've since received the controller, but he just ignores me even though I didn't realize quoting him would cause him to make like a clam. So anyway. Is there someone who has the info I need to match the wiring from the brushless controller to .

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sunday, July 29, 2007 - 04:52
Points: 126
Re: Orphaned by Powerpackmotors, Ruprek needs help matching Kel

More specifically, I need to know the correct wire hook up from the controller to the motor. With 36 combinations possible, I don't feel very lucky. Knowledge is takes time and time takes money and I don'tmind paying for such. If someone could help or direct me, I'd be oh so happy. Here'ruprek_012_0.jpgs what the motor looks like.

photos_2_042.jpgAnd another view-

Thanks for the clarity in a sea of confusion.

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: Monday, February 25, 2008 - 11:54
Points: 2
Re: Orphaned by Powerpackmotors, Ruprek needs help matching Kel

Hi John,

I have the same setup and have the answer to your wiring problem. My 1500 watt is matched to a kelly brushless controller. So I have the phase and hall sensor wiring combo that works. You'll also have to config the Kelly with your PC, and I have that info also.

e-mail me!

Larry :)

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