Make the Switch, Repower America

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ArcticFox's picture
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - 14:08
Points: 1091
Make the Switch, Repower America

We all know our country faces tough challenges; a weaker economy, soaring gas prices, growing dependence on foreign oil, and a worsening climate crisis.

But, what many of us don't know is that there's a bold new solution to all these challenges. We can switch to cleaner, smarter forms of power and take advantage of free energy sources like wind and sun. We can boost our economy, create new jobs, and improve our national security.

The answer is simple - power our country with 100% clean electricity within ten years - all we need is your help. Go to today and join the more than one million people who are already demanding we switch on a brighter future.

Together we can repower America. Together, we can solve the climate crisis.

ArcticFox's picture
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - 14:08
Points: 1091
100% in 10 Years - A message to the American people.

100% in 10 Years - A message to the American people.


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