Hey Everybody,
I am a newbie who got inspired by the guy who mounted the E-Wheel onto his Honda Insight. My question is: Has anyone mounted a scooter wheel, 12-14 inch, directly onto the Brushless Etek motor?
How would I do this?
Any recommendations on a scooter wheel that will fit without too many modifications? I will buy it off you if you have one.
Thank you Everybody.
That would be in-freakin'-sane. Even a 12" comes out to something like 70mph on only 36V. I would not recommend this...
Unless it's on a maxi-scooter, in which case, actually mounting it may be a problem. I'm guessing you'd need extensive work to the rear of the bike and wheel, since no scooter is going to have that kind of clearance normally.
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